Stop Fourteen

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Sitting on the porch, the wind blew gently. There were some stars littering the sky, and Jennie looked at them with tight lips. Though she couldn't see them clearly, she heard the waves crashing around her.

Breathing in deeply, she relished the freshness of the sea air. Looking down again, her mind shifted back to that weird dream. Placing a hand on her stomach, she rubbed it softly. Was that real she thought? Was that me?

Stumbling into the bedroom, Rosé made sure to lock the door. She buckled down to the floor and her body shook has the tingling sensation swept over her head. The bright flash overtook her vision and the images fluttered, again that same image paused before her. But this time it was clearer.

Heaving, Rosé's vision returned as the flash disappeared. Standing up, her body regulated again. Grabbing a blanket, she covered it over herself, trying to calm the shivers. As the trembling stop, she sighed in relief.

Unlocking the door, she made her way to Jennie before the brunette came looking for her. As she blinked the image flashed before again. Pausing, she rubbed her eyes. Continuing, she saw Jennie outside on the porch.

Sliding the door closed behind her, she frowned. Jennie was bent over, head on her knees. Walking to her, Rosé sat down behind her, legs either side, and pulled her in, enclosing them both in the blanket.

"Baby, are you okay," she asked against Jennie's back. Moving up, slowly, Jennie leaned back into Rosé, resting her head on her shoulder.

Her eyes were still closed. Kissing her cheek, Rosé snaked her arms around Jennie bringing her closer and adjusting the blanket. Biting her inner lip, Jennie concentrated on ebbing the pain in her head away. When she opened her eyes, she was glad that the bright flash was gone.

The pain also vanished, and she hummed as Rosé kept kissing the side of her face. Resting her chin on Jennie's shoulder, Rosé stared ahead of them. It was dark, and the water looked murky. She felt Jennie kiss the side of her face and placed her hands-on top of hers moving it to her stomach.

"Did you order the food?" asked Jennie, she squinted, seeing a light sweat on Rosé's forehead.

"Yup, they should be here in half an hour," replied Rosé. Subconsciously she blew up her cheeks, grinning, Jennie leaned in and munched down on one. Rosé laughed at the ticklish feeling as Jennie nibbled her cheek.

"Baby, hahah, aah, stop," she laughed as Jennie continued to nibble. Giggling as she leaned back, she rested her head on Rosé's shoulder again.

"Yum," said Jennie and Rosé chuckled. Intertwining their hands, Jennie bit her lip.

"Rosé, the stars aren't that bright tonight," Looking up the blonde saw that Jennie was right.

"They're shining anyway," she said. Turning her head to the side, Jennie thought.

"You always know what to say," she murmured," It scares me," she whispered.

"Huh? Your afraid of what I say?" asked Rosé. Jennie nodded.

"And of what you don't say," she continued. Swallowing thickly Rosé shrugged.

"Sounds like your problem," she said and soon felt Jennie nudge her. Turning with an amused grin, Rosé saw Jennie glaring at her. Laughing she hugged Jennie tighter, "I'm kidding Jen."

"Whatever," scoffed Jennie as she snuggled into Rosé's arms.

"It's okay to be afraid..." said Rosé. Jennie waited, but Rosé didn't continue even though it seemed like there was more to that sentence.

"Tell me about your family?" asked Jennie. Which one, thought Rosé.

"What would you like to know?" Jennie bit her lip as she spoke slowly.

"Tell me about your relationship with your Dad?"

"Distant," began Rosé," It's always been cold with my Dad. I think it's coz I'm not his child," shrugged the blonde.

"You're not related?"

"No, I was adopted," said Rosé and Jennie's eyes widened.


"Yeah, Jimin's mom adopted me," Rosé clenched her jaw.

"Does Jimin and Jisoo not share the same mom?"

"No," the blonde shook her head," Dad married into Jimin's mom's family. Jimin's mom was super super wealthy. He was having an extra marital affair with Jim's mom. Originally, he was married to Jisoo's mom. Their family name was Kim. But then he cheated and quickly married into the Park Family. Jisoo and Jim are the same age but Jisoo's older by afew months," explained Rosé.

"That's so messy," frowned Jennie and Rosé chuckled.

"My Dad is not a good man Jennie. It wasn't out of character for him," said Rosé.

"Why do you call her Jimin's mom if she adopted you?" asked Jennie softly.

"Because I did have a mom. And she'll always be my mom, even though she wasn't able to take care of me," Rosé spoke softly.

"I see, so you were taken from her at an age where you could still remember her," said Jennie.

"Yeah, but Jimin's mom never held it against me and loved me like her own child. And sometimes I think its because of her willingness to love me anyway that I convinced myself to see Dad as my Dad. For her sake," Rosé's eyes quivered at the memory of Jimin's mom.

"For most of my life, I made decisions to please him. Get his approval. Not realising he would never give it to me. And that meant I failed her, I failed Aunty Park," whispered Rosé, not wanting to hear her own confession.

"She wouldn't have wanted you to put all that pressure on yourself baby. She loved you, and no matter what your Dad thinks. That love she gave you is what matters," whispered Jennie and kissed her cheek. Her hubby looked so lonely right now and Jennie couldn't stand it.

"She did love me," smiled Rosé.

"I get it though. Wanting your guardians' to be proud of you. Someone to be proud of you," said Jennie sombrely.

"I followed my Dad into the police force, having idolised him my whole life. Despite my mother being against it. She couldn't let her darling princess become a soldier. But my Dad made it seem so honourable, to serve your country, to protect," Jennie looked down sadly.

"But the police force isn't like that. Especially in the special forces. You need to make sacrifices, often personal ones," said Jennie as she wondered why she was saying this, "Even though I never got my mom's respect for it, I knew she loved me. But my Dad passed away while I was in prison," she looked down deeply pained," I regret not being able to have apologized to him for disgracing our family name."

Taking in what she said, Rosé realised that this was the darkness shrouding over the brunette. It wasn't having gone to prison but what the consequences of that was. The biggest not being able to have spoken to her father.

As Jennie stared ahead sadly, the blonde continued to cuddle her gently. They sat quietly for a moment and soon after an idea came to Rosé. She was about to mention it to Jennie but then a car's headlight's and honking brought them out of their reverie.

"Must be the delivery," said Rosé as she stood up," I'll be right back," she said, and Jennie nodded as she watched the blonde make her way to the car. 

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