Stop Eight.

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Picking up a nearby pebble, Jennie threw it across the pond. She saw the ripples split the bed of water and liked the sound that it made. Bending down, she searched for another stone.

"Enjoying yourself there," said Rosé. Turning towards her, Jennie saw that the blonde was still sitting comfortably on the park bench, finishing her ice-cream.

"Yeah I am, "she replied and threw another stone.

"Come back," said Rosé.

"I'm having fun," said Jennie.

"Yeah but I'm lonely without you here," said Rosé.

"I'm just a few steps away from you," chuckled Jennie.

"Okay," said Rosé and focused on her ice-cream. Looking at her intently, Jennie thought it was odd that the blonde would just give in so easily. Biting her lip, she walked back to the bench. Looking up, Rosé smiled seeing Jennie in front of her.

"Why'd you stop?" asked the blonde.

"Because," said Jennie as she sat down.

"Jennie you can keep throwing stones, you didn't have to come back yet," laughed Rosé.

"Then why were you telling me to come back?"

"I was just pushing your buttons," giggled Rosé, "I guess it worked."

"No, it didn't," huffed Jennie as she got back up.

"It must have," Rosé continued laughing as Jennie went back to her previous spot and picked up some stones.

Ignoring her, the brunette scattered the stones one after the other. It was a still evening, without any wind. They had walked to a convenient store, got their ice-creams and decided to enjoy it at the park across Narona's. There were other people strolling around the park too, but they were in a seemingly secluded area. The pond was beautifully lit underneath a star-filled sky. Throwing the last stone in her hand, she dusted herself off and returned to the bench.

"Finished now?" asked Rosé as she placed an arm around Jennie's shoulder. Scooting closer to her, the brunette wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Yeah," she nodded and rested her head on Rosé's shoulder.

"That's a pity, I was enjoying the view every time you bent down to pick up more stones," said Rosé and giggled as Jennie hit her side.

"I'm just being honest," chuckled the blonde.

"Whatever," murmured Jennie as she cuddled up more into Rosé's hold. The blonde hugged her softly. They sat quietly before Rosé broke the serene silence.

"There's something dark about you, Jennie. A pain that you're carrying, and I see it clearly in those moments where you're just being still, thinking," whispered Rosé, she was drawing circles across Jennie's lower back. It was soothing and with the combination of the blonde's honey-sweet voice, Jennie couldn't help but close her eyes and enjoy it.

"It's in the way you carry it. Not asking for pity or excuses. It's a testament to your character and your character really is beautiful," continued Rosé softly as she placed a trail of light kisses across Jennie's head.

"And I want to get to know you better. For me today was just the first," whispered the blonde as she kissed Jennie's temple.

"I want to keep seeing you like this Jen. I'm very attracted to you and I'd like for us to date. But I'm also aware that we've just met, and that you work for me. It makes things complicated, and I want you to do what's best for you first," explained Rosé, as she rubbed her nose in Jennie's hair. The brunette's eyes had shot open at the revelation, but her body was also responding to Rosé's attentive touches.

"The ball is entirely in your court Jen. I just wanted to establish what I would like out of this so that you're not confused once you get home. But I'm not going to push for anything either and I'll respect any answer you give me. Just know that today has been one of the best I've spent with anyone in long while and it's all because of you," finished Rosé as she tightened their hug.

Heart beating fast, Jennie didn't know what to say. Today had felt like a dream, like it wasn't happening. But it was. Rosé was being so caring and sweet the entire time and that's excluding the fact that she was lovely to look at as well. But dating her would heavily compromise her mission. Feeling conflicted, she separated herself from the blonde and looked at her.

"Thank you Rosé. What you said and how you've treated me today has made me feel good in so many ways. But your right, dating would be complicated, and I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. I'm going to need time to think it over," replied Jennie.

"And I'm completely okay with that," smiled Rosé as she grabbed on to Jennie's hand," I just want you to know where I stand."

"I know," said Jennie as she kissed the blonde's hand. She couldn't resist, despite her confliction, she really enjoyed the blonde's tenderness and there was no denying she was very attracted to her too.

"Good," nodded Rosé. She lowered her eyes and smiled shyly, "Can I hold you again? Just for a little bit, before we go back?" she asked.

"Of course," purred Jennie as she pulled them back into a hug.

Settling back into a comfortable position, they chatted softly. Rosé continued to place a gentle kiss either on the brunette's head or cheek when she found the chance. While Jennie found herself getting lost in how good this all felt, and her heart was warming by the minute.

When Rosé's lips lingered a moment too long, something in the brunette was telling her that she needed Rosé to continue. That she liked the feeling of the blonde's lips. And in the back of her mind, she knew that this element of wanting more would make her job much harder going forward.

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