Drive Twenty Four

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Grabbing her backpack from the locker, Jennie packed away her hat and jacket. She placed on her on a hoodie. As she zipped up the backpack, she saw Hozier make his way past the locker room. Hurrying, she ran out.

"Hozier!" Turning around he smiled at her.

"Jennie, how are you?" she placed on her backpack and made her way to him.

"I'm okay. How are you? Haven't seen you in a minute," she said.

"Yeah well, I haven't really been in much. I just recovered from the flu and had to take some time off. But now I'm back," he clapped.

"I'm glad you're feeling better. Have you seen Jaejoong?"

"Yeah, we're actually going to grab some food. Want to join us?"

"Can I?"

"Sure, let me just check on the order I placed and then we can go up. Joon should be ready with the food and he always make too much," he smiled. He headed into the cafeteria while Jennie waited. Soon after he was back and telling her to follow him.

"Have you been able to settle in?" he led her pass the locker room towards a spiraled staircase.

"A little, I think I'm going to get use to the routine soon," she said as the made their way up the stairs. At the top, there was an elevator and he pressed the button.

"You're a music tutor, here right?"

"Yeah that's how I describe it but it's more than that. This company doesn't have a label for it," the door opened, and he allowed her to enter first.

"What exactly does this company do?"

"Everything," grinned Hozier as the doors opened and he walked out. They walked out into a much more fancier looking kitchen area. Walking further, Jennie saw Jaejoong busy stirring something.

"Joon, I've invited an honourable guest," said Hozier, turning around the chef gave her a smile. He told them to sit down so long as he dished up. Placing down her backpack, Jennie and Hozier chatted lightly as they waited.

About an hour later, Jennie was walking out of the building towards her own car. Placing her backpack in the back, she slid in and drove back home. The sky was slowly turning darker and she hoped she wouldn't get into traffic.

She drove in silence, just focusing on getting back. Her phone was in her back pocket. She felt it buzz. A few moments later she felt it buzz again and then again. Knowing that she couldn't look at it currently, she hoped it was nothing urgent.

Arriving at the house, she parked the car in the garage. Checking her phone before getting out she smiled at the messages:

Rosé: This conference is so boring

Rosé: Come save me?

Rosé: Are you home yet?

Getting her backpack, Jennie decided to reply once she was inside. Walking through the kitchen, got to her room. Plonking on the bed, she typed.

Jennie: Just got home

Jennie: You should try and concentrate

Rosé: These people are making it difficult with their monotone voices.

Jennie: Not good enough Rosé

Rosé: Jennie...

Jennie: Not good enough

Jaehyun tapped Rosé on the shoulders. Looking up, he gestured for her to look forward. The host of the conference had asked a question directed towards her. Not interested Rosé told them she didn't want to answer.

Rosé: Maybe I like getting in trouble. Being naughty's worked well for me before.

Jennie: Doubt it.

Rosé: It has hehe

Jennie: Like how? Got with a teacher once?

Rosé: Possibly...😊

Jennie: You're crazy lol

Jaehyun nudged her again as another question was directed towards her.

"Rosie, please answer this one," he whispered with a sense of urgency. Looking at him she nodded. Chanyeol was sitting on her other side, curious to the way she was smiling at her phone. Placing it away, she put on her mic and asked the host to repeat the question.

Seeing Rosé go offline Jennie placed her phone aside and fetched her laptop. The conference finally ended and Jaehyun was in a rush to leave. Dropping Rosé off she thanked him for the ride. Once inside her bedroom, she immediately texted the brunette.

Rosé: Home😉

Jennie heard her phone and reached for it. At the same time, she heard a knock on her door. Telling them to come in, Kai popped his head in. Typing a reply, Jennie looked up.

"Got a moment to talk?" he asked with a smile. Nodding, Jennie typed one last message and turned towards Kai. 

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