Drive Twenty

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Sitting quietly as she typed, Jisoo asked Jennie if she could drive a little slower. Nodding, the driver slowed down her pace. They were going towards the other side of the town. It was becoming quite a drive and Jisoo had asked they take a specific route.

The heiress requested classical music throughout the trip. To Jennie, it appeared Jisoo was in a somber mood. Almost distant...

"You never told me how you were imprisoned?"

"It's a long story."

"Well this is a long drive," said Jisoo as she continued typing.

Jennie peered at her through the mirror. The redhead wasn't even looking at her. Turning her eyes back to the road, the driver spoke.

"The team that I was apart of were assigned to a specific operation. We weren't informed of all the details but that's how things normally went," she turned up a slight bend and they were soon blanketed on either side with sturdy trees with thick bushes of green hair.

"Which division were you in?"

"I thought you knew?"

"I don't," said Jisoo blandly. She looked up with a grin and Jennie nodded.

"We were in special forces," said Jennie.

"I know that. I asked which division?"

Jennie glared intently at the redhead who by now had packed her laptop aside. What was this about?"

"If you know that then you know which division," bluffed Jennie and Jisoo burst out with a chuckle. She moved forward and leaned forward, a whisker away from Jennie's ear.

"Why so serious?"

"Fuck off Jisoo," Jennie nudged her head away and heard some more laughter.

"I'm just intrigued you know. I honestly never expected a call from you. But at the same time, I wasn't shocked either.

"I was more surprised you even remembered me," shrugged Jennie.

"How could I forget, don't tell Somin or Lisa this but you are still the best sex I've ever had," smiled Jisoo.

Jennie chocked. The car fumbled forward as her foot slipped but she recovered quickly. Jisoo clasped on to the backseat. Jennie's mind filtered back to the first night she'd met the heiress. They had been strangers to each other and the only other time they'd met was when Jisoo had unexpectedly called Jennie for help. Up until Jennie called Jisoo afew months ago they'd only met twice.

Gripping the steering wheel Jennie restrained herself from grating her teeth. She had completely forgot about that.

"Damn Jennie, didn't think I was so forgettable," Jisoo shook her head.

"No its not that. I do remember's that why you helped me?"

Face filled with confusion, the brunette was surprised by the sound of deepfelt laughter. Jisoo was basically cackling in the backseat.

"Ha, Jennie haha, that one night stand was amazing but no. It's not the reason I helped you out," chuckled Jisoo.

"Good," said Jennie assured.

"Unless ofcourse you'd like a trip down memory lane. I wouldn't mind another round with you," giggled Jisoo.

"Hell No!" Jennie shook her head vehemently. Something about the suggestion put her so off. Jisoo was stunning but just wouldn't be right...

"Wow! No need to be so adamant," said Jisoo. Her ego was a little bruised by the brunette's reaction.

"Sorry, it's just. No thank you Jisoo. It was an encounter that happened in the past and its gonna stay there. Besides you already have you're hands full with Lisa and Somin," explained Jennie.

"There's nothing wrong with a foursome," offered Jisoo.

" I'm not joining your personal harem. What's up with that anyway? You, Lisa and Somin," asked Jennie as they drove further the trees began to dwindle and soon they could see the coast.

"I don't know how to explain it. It just is," said Jisoo as she scratched her head.

"Are all of you ok with your...arrangement?"

"I mean yeah. It's a win win situation," smiled Jisoo happily.

"Alright then," Jennie smiled back.

"The offer stands though. Whenever you want, we can get down," grinned Jisoo.

"Did you help me get a job so you can fuck me?"

"Who wouldn't?" teased the redhead.

"Jisoo," Jennie gritted.

"I'm kidding. Gosh, obviously not. I helped you out because I owe you. For what you did back then," said Jisoo earnestly.

"I didn't even have to do much," nodded Jennie.

"But still, it really really helped me," Jennie knew Jisoo was being serious. They drove past the beach strand and were soon in front of a small beach hotel.

"This meeting's going to be about a two hours. Here's some money, go enjoy the beach or something," said Jisoo as they stopped. Jennie grabbed the money and Jisoo let herself out.

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