Stop Four

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Holding the chair for her, Rosé sat down with a soft thank you. Jennie moved to sit across her. The restaurant wasn't too busy, with a few patrons scattered around. A familiar face walked up to their table and placed down two menus. He smiled at Jennie broadly.

"Well look what the cat dragged in," he crossed his arms at her and she stood up to hug him.

"Hey B.M." she chuckled before turning to Rosé, "This is Roseanne Park. Rosé this is B.M. he's the owner of this place and a good friend," Rosé shook his hand happily and he gave her big smile.

"You are by far the most beautiful woman Jennie has ever brought here. Jesus," he nodded in approval and Jennie nearly died.

"Oh? So she brings all her women here?" Rosé glanced at the brunette and B.M. laughed loudly.

"Oh yeah, in fact the last one she was with is actually," he didn't get to finish as Jennie covered his mouth. Rosé raised an eyebrow as Jennie ushered him away.

"Thank's B.M. go get us two glasses of Coke's and send another waiter please," he wanted to say something but Jennie pushed him forward.

"We can chat later," she said hurriedly and he walked away in a daze. Satisfied, she sat back down.

"I see I chose the right spot," said Rosé with a small grin and Jennie picked up her menu shyly.

"He's right," said Jennie and looked down at the menu, "you are the most beautiful," she said softly and this time Rosé was the one who felt hot.

"Thank you," she said. Jennie nodded with a little smile but still avoided the blonde's eyes. There drinks arrived swiftly and the new waiter took their food orders. Sipping on her drink, Rosé leaned forward.

"So I'd like to know, how many women exactly have been brought here by Jennie Kim," she smiled teasingly.

"Are we still on that?" Jennie smirked, "Why don't you take a guess"

"102," said Rosé and Jennie coughed on her drink.

"With what money?" said Jennie in surprise while Rosé laughed at her reaction. She grabbed on to Jennie's chin and wiped off the wetness with a napkin. The driver stared at her lips the entire time until she felt Rosé look up at her.

"The fact that money is what holds you back from reaching that number instead of the amount of people interested in you concerns me," said Rosé as she leaned back again.


"Yeah, I'm not good with competition. I'm a loser," said Rosé nonchalantly

"I don't believe you," said Jennie.

"It's true," urged Rosé, " I lose at everything. Board games, guessing games, life choices," she grinned as Jennie looked at her suspiciously.

"That went from zero to 360 way too quickly," said the brunette and Rosé laughed.

"Alright, maybe I'm not a full on loser. But yeah, just tell me how many"

"Not a lot. Probably like 5," shrugged Jennie and Rosé nodded.

"Were they the real deal?"

"Only two of them, the rest was just," Jennie shook her head in disdain, "passing time"

"I see. So are you just interested in women?" their food arrived and they thanked the waiter.

"Yes, I've only ever been with women," said Jennie.

"Prison must not have been too bad," teased Rosé and Jennie chuckled happily.

"I am choosing not to acknowledge what you just said," she giggled as she ate some food.

"Ey, I'm just saying," shrugged Rosé, "Are you currently seeing someone?"

"No, I'm living a very single life at the moment," said Jennie with a small smile, "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Don't be coy Rosé" and the blonde chuckled at the frown on Jennie's face.

"I don't know. I've been with men. I've been with women. I've been with men who identify as women. And I've been with women who identify as men. I've never really thought of naming my sexuality but I'm sure there's a label for that," said Rosé. Jennie stopped eating.

"How many people have you been with?" asked the brunette

"Why would any one count?" said Rosé

"Have you ever been in a serious long term relationship?" asked Jennie. But Rosé looked at her in confusion.

"I don't know, maybe? I don't really know much about full on serious relationships, could you describe it to me?"

Jennie placed down her fork and looked at the blonde intently. Did she seriously just ask that? The driver was taken aback that this beautiful woman had possibly never been in a relationship. Shocked that she might not even know what one is. Seeing the expression on Jennie's face, Rosé looked at her worryingly.

"Did I say something wrong?" she asked softly but Jennie didn't register what she said, since her mind was still on the previous question. Rosé took her silence as a sign.

"I did say something wrong, didn't I? I'm sorry," she looked down sadly, "Sorry Jennie," she shrank a little in to her seat and the movement brought Jennie back from her daze.

"No, no Rosé. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm just surprised that no one's ever taken the time to show you what a serious romantic relationship is," said Jennie.

"I guess I'm not worth the effort," said Rosé with a down heartened tone.

"Ofcourse you are," said Jennie and grabbed on to her hand, "you're worth it all," she urged and funnily, Jennie knew she meant it.

"You're just being sweet," said Rosé quietly but she interlaced her fingers with Jennie's.

"I'm being honest. You're more than just you're wealth or physical beauty. You're more than all of that and I can sense it. You show it without even knowing and I can tell you it's so pure. And just for that alone you're worth the effort Rosé," Jennie finished with the most sincere smile and Rosé felt her heart beat rising.

" think I'm pure?" she knew it was a word many wouldn't associate with her.

"Yes I do," smiled Jennie and Rosé's heart skipped a beat. She lowered her eyes as a shy smile appeared on her face. Jennie nodded happily at her reaction and let go of her hand.

"I'm glad that's settled, now let's finish since you still have an appointment to get to," said the brunette with a gummy smile. Rosé returned it with a smile of her own.

"Thank you Jennie, for being so lovely and so kind," said Rosé earnestly.

"It's a pleasure," nodded Jennie as her stomach felt like it was home to a dozen butterflies each time Rosé's eyes met her own.

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