Stop Fourteen

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The sun shone brightly, and its rays flickered over his face. Eyes opening slowly, Taemin felt a heavy weight on his chest. Peering down, he saw Jisoo was still clutching on to him. Her knuckles were balled tight, gripping onto his shirt. Patting her head lightly, he smiled as he heard her snores.

He'd let her cry the whole night and by the time she was done, she'd fallen asleep in his arms. He didn't have the heart to move her. And so, he resigned himself to having to sleep in this position, on her office floor. Shaking his head, he knew he needed to tell her that she had to cut down on the drinking.

Jennie woke up as the sun peaked through the slits of the curtains. She tried sitting up, but quickly realized she couldn't. Looking down, she smiled as she saw Rosé was still between her legs. They had fallen asleep on the couch, fully naked, after having many love-making sessions.

Laying back down, she grazed Rosé's hair admiring how beautiful she was. You love her. We're in love with her. Pausing, Jennie knew that didn't sound like the normal "voice" she used to talk with herself. Waiting, she blinked as some white spots cluttered her vision. Let me in...

"Morning love," said Rosé as she gave Jennie's pussy a kiss. It brought the brunette out of her episode and as she bent down her head, her vision cleared. Blinking again she saw Rosé smile at her.

"Morning," she moved to sit up, letting Rosé's head plonk on the couch. Rubbing her eyes, Jennie wondered what just happened.

Rosé chuckled as she sat up too. Scratching her head, she was certain she must have left Jennie's legs numb.

"Sorry for falling asleep on you like that. My eyes just closed at some point while we were talking," she looked down shyly. With a weak smile, Jennie slid over to her.

"I liked having you on top of me," she kissed her gently, "I like it a lot," she smirked as she saw Rosé's cheeks turn pink. She's so fucking cute, she thought. That's the affect we have on her. Jennie's eyes widened, hearing the voice again.

"Is something wrong?" Rosé rubbed her lower back.

"I'm good baby, don't worry," she smiled making Rosé brighten. Standing up, the blonde, clapped happily. Jennie gulped as the action made Rosé's breast bounce.

"I'll make us breakfast so long. You can go shower. I promise I won't come in," said Rosé as she saw where Jennie was staring, "Unless you want me to come," she smirked evilly, and Jennie laughed at the innuendo.

"No no, you're going to remain in the kitchen and make us food," giggled Jennie as she stood up.

"Okay, I'll try and make us something," said Rosé as she began to walk to the kitchen. Jennie watched her hips sway, accentuating the plump of her butt.

"Go put on some clothes first baby," she said.

"Why?" Rosé held up her hands in confusion.

"Just," Jennie saw Rosé's nipples looked a little hard, "Just cause," she bit her lip. Rosé laughed at her reluctance.

"Jennie, I hope you haven't forgotten about what I said I liked to eat for breakfast," said Rosé in a husky voice as her eyes traveled slowly up Jennie's body. Walking back to the brunette she pecked her lips, "And lunch," she pecked her again, "And dinner," she drew her in for a slow kiss and Jennie wondered if Rosé was born with such delicate lips.

"I haven't," she whispered between the kiss as Rosé squeezed her ass.

"Good," she gave Jennie a peck and slapped her butt cheeks lightly before walking off to the kitchen, "You can go shower. I'll have clothes on by the time you're out," she said, and Jennie nodded.

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