Drive Fifty Five

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Smiling softly as she tucked Lisa and Somin into the covers, Jisoo gave them each a soft kiss as she headed out of the room. Taking Somin's car keys she texted Taemin that she'd be in her office in 20 mins. Sighing, she headed out, wondering how her sister would react to the news.

Rosé frowned as she still didn't receive an answer from Jennie. Blowing up her cheeks she opened the car door and got in. Driving out of the parking lot, she headed towards Park Incorporations.

Kai turned Jennie's phone off. That way Rosé would stop bothering the brunette. Standing at the door, he closed it as he saw Jennie was still fast asleep. Walking to the kitchen, he wanted to make them something to eat. Surprised to see Taemin hurrying out of his office, he wanted to stop him. Ask when they would have the meeting about the investigation. But Taemin seemed to be in a rush, barely glancing at him. Seeing him run out the front door, Kai clicked his tongue at him and turned his attention to the fridge, wanting to make one of Jennie's favourite meals.

Jaehyun's eyes were wide as he took in Park Incorporations. He'd never really been inside the building before but it was certainly bigger than he'd imagine. He was so lost in looking around that he bumped into the back of Jisoo's secretary, who was escorting him.

"Sorry," he apologised with a smile and she waved it off, opening the door for him.

"Don't worry. I can't even feel it," she smiled, and he nodded as he walked in.

Jennie woke up groggily. Turning around in her bed, she was glad that the headache was gone. Waiting for the voice to return, she was surprised to find that it didn't. Sitting up, she reached for her phone. Frowning, she wondered when she put it off. Putting it back on the table as it switched on, she got out of bed needing the bathroom.

Rosé gritted her teeth and clenched her fist. Jaehyun looked at her with concern. Jisoo frowned as well having to hear this again, while Taemin crossed his arms.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked him and he nodded.

"I am. Hyuna came to tell me herself," he answered.

"Fuck," she sighed.

"It's time for us to go back to the original narrative," said Taemin.

"We can't!" said Jaehyun in a bit of a panic, Taemin squinted his eyes at him, "I mean, I don't think Jennie's ready yet. Right, Chae?"

"Yeah..." she looked down sadly. Taemin looked to Jisoo but she looked away from him as well. He shook his head in disbelief.

"Your sister has been kidnapped. Who knows what the Council of Five are doing to her right now. We need to go back," he said.

"There's still things I need to do. And Jae's right. Jennie isn't ready," said Rosé.

"Alice is in danger Chae? Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"It does. It's just," she looked down, trying to find the right words.

"We can always come back for Jennie," he said Rosé shook her head.

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