Stop Six.

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Containing the laugh she wanted to release, Jennie tried to stay still as the man spoke to them. As he picked up the filling to show them what to do, she let a giggle slip. Rosé nudged her lightly, a warning to focus. Straightening up, Jennie hid her smile.

"Do you understand what to do?" he looked at Jennie. She wasn't listening to him fully and didn't know what to say. But Rosé snuck a protective arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

"It's cool Jerry, I've done this plenty of times before. If she's lost I'll just guide her, it's not that hard," said Rosé and smiled down at Jennie. Shrinking into herself, the brunette bowed her head at their closeness.

Smirking Jerry nodded and left them to their own devices. Taking a glimpse around, Jennie saw small groups of families plastered around different areas. But the place was nowhere near full. Following Rosé, they sat down. The blonde arranged everything before them as Jennie just sat admiring her.

"I didn't expect this," said Jennie.

"I gathered," smirked Rosé.

"Sorry, but how could you not expect me to laugh," chuckled Jennie as Rosé handed her, her set of equipment.

"It's alright, I mean I would laugh too, if I was you," hummed Rosé as she sat up straight. Seeing the small tint of red on the blonde's cheeks, Jennie shifted closer to her.

"Doesn't mean I don't like it," said Jennie softly. She shared a bright smile and saw Rosé's eyes lighten.

"This really is one of my favorite places and well I thought it'd be cool to create a memento together," said Rosé as she bit her lip. Jennie reached for her hand and nodded.

"You're going to have to help me, I wasn't really listening earlier," and eagerly Rosé told her to move even closer since they could work together.

Smiling softly, Jennie listened attentively as Rosé guided her through what to do. The blonde had taken them to a "Build-a-Bear" Workshop, where you could create your own personalized stuffed bear. When they arrived, it was clear that Rosé was some sort of a regular because all the staff greeted her by name.

It was funny to Jennie because of how serious everyone was taking this. Especially Jerry. When he began his explanation of the instructions it was as if you were listening to a military sergeant describing a drill for the first time. Quick, thorough and strict. It was hilarious.

"Am I doing it right?" asked Jennie, as she demonstrated.

"Yeah, try and tilt it a bit more, so that you get as much filling in as possible," said Rosé.

"How often do you come here?"

"Not as much as earlier in the year. It's always quiet here and making a bear takes my mind off things," explained Rosé.

"So you're a thinker," said Jennie as she lifted up her bear, she still had a way to go before it was fully stuffed.

"Yeah, sometimes it's just a burden. Ever thought so much about something, you forgot why you were thinking of it in the first place?" asked Rosé.

"Mmm I have. I've become more of a thinker lately. Long days in a cell does that to you," said Jennie.

"Did you learn something from it? Your time in prison I mean."

Pausing Jennie took a moment to think over the question. Rosé continued working on her bear. She'd chosen a brown bear while Jennie had gone with a black one.

"That I'm vulnerable. Before prison, I thought I was this invincible cop, where nothing could touch me. And because I was good at my job too it just upped my ego. I was cocky for it but I also put my trust too easily in people who didn't deserve it. I only realized after though," answered Jennie.

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