Drive Twenty Six

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Jennie stepped out the car as Rosé made her way outside. Giving her small wave, she saw the blonde had a bright smile on her face. It made her stomach buzz and as the other woman neared, she felt a small sense of anxiety.

When Rosé reached her, she returned with a shy smile. To her surprise, the blonde wrapped her in a hug. Tentatively, Jennie moved her arms around her too. Rosé's waist was small and as the brunette hugged her back, they were pulled closer together.

Neither uttered a word. Rosé tightened her hold as Jennie kept her head placed against her nape. Jennie gave herself a moment to close her eyes and listen to the blonde's breaths. This all felt so familiar and, something was telling her to just stay in Rosé's arms.

Nuzzling her nose against Jennie's hair, Rosé smiled gently. Letting go, she stepped back a little. A few students passed by and greeted the blonde.

"You ready to go?" asked Jennie.

"Yup," nodded Rosé as she moved to the other side of the car. Jennie decided not to mention what just happened and thought it best to just go with the flow for today.

"Where exactly are we going?" asked Jennie.

"Oh yeah, let me put it on my navigation," said Rosé. Placing the phone down and on speaker, she nodded for Jennie to go.

"How was work?" asked Jennie

"It was actually a good day. But I think it had more to do with my excitement to see you. I had to cover some lecture's for a colleague but the kids were engaging."

"So you lecture too?"

"Yeah occasionally, mainly just a research fellow though."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm not really meant to lecture," giggled Rosé.

"Seems like you got roped into doing it anyway," smiled Jennie.

"Yeah, it's so funny too because I can see when I come in to take a class some of the kids look at me like, 'aren't you on the wrong side of the room', "said Rosé.

"Actually, how old are you? I think I'd be a bit stunned too if my lecturer looked younger than me," asked Jennie.

"I'm 22."

"Woh! You're really young," exclaimed Jennie.

"How old are you?" asked Rosé defensively.

"Turned 24 this year," answered Jennie with a wry smile.

"We're basically the same age Jen," scoffed Rosé.

"Woo, looks like I touched a nerve," teased Jennie.

"Of course not," murmured Rosé while crossing her arms.

Jennie laughed as she left only one hand on the steering wheel. With the other, she reached to unhook Rosé's arms and held on to one of her hands. Bring the blonde's hand to her lips, she kissed it softly while still looking at the road.

"I'm sorry Rosé. It's just you've accomplished so much at such a young age, it's impressive," explained Jennie.

"Thank you," Rosé smiled softly as she gripped on to the brunette's hand.

"So, am I forgiven?" grinned Jennie. Chuckling, Rosé brought their hands to her lips and kissed Jennie's hand as well.

"Like this?" said Rosé and as she kissed Jennie's hand again, the brunette felt a sharp pain etch its way into her head. An image of rainfall flashed before her, but it disappeared quickly. Blinking, Jennie, felt the pain go away.

"I kinda have a thing against my age but I guess it has to do with my field of work. Anyway, you're fully forgiven," said Rosé as she released their hands.

They didn't speak much for the rest of the ride with just the GPS speaking out directions consistently. But Jennie did keep her one hand free. Every once in awhile Rosé would grab on to it, if she wanted to say something or get the brunette's attention.

It was getting to the point where Jennie hoped each time the blonde shifted it was to grasp her hand. She really enjoyed the feel of Rosé's skin. It felt comforting and the blonde seemed to like to do something extra, whether it was drawing patterns on the back of Jennie's hand or squeezing it.  And Jennie like that. As the trip continued she noticed they were going further out of town.

"I still don't know where we're going," she said.

"Just trust me, we're almost there," assured Rosé as she grabbed on to Jennie's hand again, nodding appreciatively the brunette hummed in reply. Satisfied with their hands together, Jennie was content to drive without any further questions.

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