Drive Twenty One

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"It's beautiful ey?"

"Yeah, it is," agreed Jennie. She saw Jisoo looking out the window as they drove past the beach.

It was a peaceful drive and once they were back in the city Jisoo asked her to make a turn towards Sage Agency. When they arrived Jisoo quickly jumped out. Ten minutes later she was back and gave Jennie a different address.

"They said Lisa is shooting there today," smiled Jisoo but then her eyes brightened.

"Wait, wait Jen. I want to get her something," she said excitedly, "Are there any shops on our way there? Or like a mall?"

Jennie pulled off the road and stopped the car. Taking out her phone, she and Jisoo looked at the route and found some stores they could go to. Agreeing on where to stop, they continued driving.

"Where this sudden energy come from?" asked Jennie.

"I just want to make Lisa smile. The beach reminded me of one of our best dates together. I think I might take her there later," mused Jisoo.

"What are you gonna get her? Flowers?"

"Maybe not flowers. Maybe I should get her something else,"

"Flowers always work," said Jennie.

"How often has it worked for you?"

"All the time," grinned Jennie and Jisoo laughed.

"Then we'll get flowers. Sunflowers, just like Lisa. Beautiful, bright and makes you just feel happy," said Jisoo with a stupid smile.

"WHIPPED!!" yelled Jennie with a laugh and Jisoo moved to hit her over the head.

"Ey! Don't hit me for stating the truth," Jennie continued to laugh.

"Just shut up and get us to the store," said Jisoo in a huff. She crossed her arms and shook her head as Jennie continued to giggle at her.

When they arrived at the location, Jisoo told Jennie to come with her. Not minding getting outside again, she agreed. The set was filled with people. Some were getting their make-up done. Others were being dragged to the dress-room.

Jisoo had a gotten a massive bouquet of sunflowers. The store clerk had suggested she only take a few since the flowers are so big. But Jisoo wasn't having it and Jennie just wanted to get out the shop cause her allergies were acting up.

Now they were here, in a big parking lot that's been transformed in to a photoshoot set. It was interesting to see so many people being active. She and Jisoo were looking around in opposite directions. Spotting a familiar set of hair, Jennie tugged Jisoo to follow her.

As they neared, Jennie saw that Lisa was in the middle of being pictured. On top of that, she was modeling with that guy from before. Muscleman, Jennie thought. They stood still and just watched the two and the photographer do their thing.

They were natural's and the guy seemed very sweet with how he spoke to both the photographer and Lisa. Then they were directed to act more flirtatious with each other. They did, and Jennie immediately looked next to her.

Jisoo didn't react and Jennie was impressed with the poker face. The shoot ended, and Lisa finally noticed them. Talking shortly with her modeling partner, she made her way to them. Jennie watched her carefully.

As she walked up, an incredibly genuine smile spread across Lisa's face. Her eyes were glued to the redhead and there was joy in them. Jennie knew Lisa looked incredibly beautiful at that moment. Only because she recognized that look. Jisoo handed her the flowers and got a sweet kiss out of it.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to surprise you. Jennie helped me out," Jisoo pointed to the flowers.

"Aww you're so sweet baby," Lisa kissed Jisoo again and turned to Jennie, "Thank you too, Jen, you're just as sweet," she kissed Jennie's cheek.

"I really didn't do anything," chuckled Jennie.

"Just take the credit. Jisoo barely ever gives it out anyway," smiled Lisa.

They chatted for a bit before the photographer came up to them along with Lisa's modeling partner.

"Wonho, this is Jennie. And obviously, you've met Jisoo," introduced Lisa.

"Nice to meet you and it's good to see you again Jisoo," he smiled warmly. Jisoo just nodded but Jennie gave him a smile. He and Lisa went over some of the photos with the photographer. Straight after, Lisa asked to leave the set early and got the necessary permission.

As they got into the car, Jennie saw the twocuddle up closely in the backseat. Lisa was speaking leisurely while Jisoo occasionallyplaced kisses on the top of her head. Keeping to her promise, Jisoo askedJennie to drive them back to the beach and the driver did so gladly. 

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