What you see isn't always what you get

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Placing her head against the door, Jisoo breathed out. Her heart felt so heavy. It felt like she couldn't carry it anymore. Not on her own.

"Lisa. When you're ready to talk to me. I'll be waiting out here for you," she repeated the only words she knew would help her get through this.

Taking the tray, Rosé slammed it against the other woman's face, then pushed it and kicked her down stomping on the woman's face. The other inmates scattered away from them and the guards ignored it, too afraid of Rosé to interfere.

"I dare you to say that again?!" yelled Rosé as she beat the tattooed woman with the tray. The other inmates watched in disgust as Rosé's hands became covered in the woman's blood.

Chaeyoung! Chaeyoung stop!

Hearing Holland's voice made her stop. Getting off the woman, she went back to her seat at the table. She said she made Jennie her bitch, thought Rosé.

They're trying to provoke you Chae. Why were you placed in the same prison Jennie was in? Someone's trying to get you worked up. Don't let them get to you.

"Okay," she sighed softly and pouted. Getting up she picked up the tray along with the food she messed. Going over to the kitchen staff who were still dishing up food, she looked down shyly.

"I apologise for wasting your food," she scratched her head and bowed before walking back to her seat. The kitchen staff just smiled at her, since this had been happening every day.

Huffing as she sat down, Rosé looked around and saw heads whip away from her. Crossing her legs, she sat still, patiently waiting for lunchtime to be over and wondering when they'd come to fetch that woman, so she can go to the hospital.

"We want to see her!" Dahyun slammed her fists down and looked at the officer, "If you don't let us see her now I swear," she pointed a finger at him and he held up his hands defensively.

"Listen mam, we're just following orders. She's only allowed visitors later this week," he flipped over some pages. Dahyun was about to give him a word but Jaehyun pulled her back, sighing she understood. They'd just have to come later in the week.

"CHAE!" Jennie sat up as her face was drenched in sweat. Rubbing her head the pain went away as she blinked. Breathing slowly she saw that it was still light outside. What was the time? She reached for her phone and saw it was just past 3pm.

Laying back down, she felt like she could fall asleep again.

You need to go see Rosé.

I don't know...

Please Jennie, just go. For both of your own good.

But she lied to me, Jennie pulled the blankets closer to herself.

Why are you acting like you weren't undercover either? You were lying to her too.

It's not the same, replied Jennie and sighed heavily.

So you're lying is better than her lying? Make that make sense Jennie? You didn't even give her a chance to explain herself. You know that wasn't fair.

Covering her face with the blanket, Jennie pouted sadly. Steza had become the only one she could honestly express herself to. And though Jennie knew it was weird talking to a voice in her head, she'd begin to trust it. But the scolding she was currently receiving wasn't helping the bad feelings she was having after that nightmare.

So are you going to go see her?

"Okay fine, just stop shouting at me," huffed Jennie and she thought she heard Steza tsk at her.

I'm not shouting Jen, I just want my babies to make-up.

Shaking her head, Jennie raked her fingers through her hair. Getting up, she saw the weather and thought it was a nice day for a walk. She needed to think anyway.

"We weren't able to see her today," sighed Jaehyun.

"They're keeping you away from her on purpose," Jimin slammed the table, "I can't take this. We need to leave."

"We know Jim. But we have to be patient," said Dahyun. Covering his mouth Jimin shook his head.

"Where's Jisoo?"

"Upstairs with Lisa. Or well trying to be," shrugged Jimin and Jaehyun nodded hoping those two would sort out their differences soon.

"Baby please," Jisoo laid her head against the door, "I need you. And you need me. I can't," Jisoo sighed sadly, "I can't go on without you. Somin wouldn't want us fighting Lis. Not like this."

Jisoo laid against the door, feeling her heart drop at not getting an answer again. On the verge of getting up, Jisoo rubbed at her eyes. But then there was a click and she fell back as the door opened. Smiling as she looked up at Lisa's room's ceiling, Jisoo promised that she wouldn't lose another one of her soulmates.

Kai made eye-contact again with her and she turned to look back over at Moonbyul. It was getting a bit too much with Kai. Constantly asking if she was okay, if she needed anything, that he was there for her. Jennie felt smothered whenever they were in the same room and he just didn't seem to understand.

It's time you tell him to fuck off. Or better yet go get Rosé out of prison so she can whip his ass again.

Shifting uncomfortably Jennie tried to not listen to Steza's little rant. He's doing it because he cares Steza.

Cares? What are you on about? He just wants to fuck you...

Gritting her teeth at that, Jennie nodded as she heard Steza apologize.

"Jen? Would you like some more?" asked Irene and pointed to her plate.

"Oh yeah. Yes please," she nodded and Irene was about to dish for her but Kai took the bowl.

"Let me Irene. I'm sitting closer to Jen anyways," he muttered and Moonbyul tried not to gag at his nonsense.

"There we go Jen," he smiled at her as he filled her plate with spaghetti.

"Thank you Kai," she smiled.

"Anything for you Jen," he pinched her cheek and she lowered her head shyly. Rolling her eyes Irene took back the bowl from him.

"Apparently they're planning to arrest Mr. Park tomorrow," said Irene.

"Wow so Big Papa is actually going to be in custody," J.seph was surprised.

"Something like that," said Irene.

"Any word on Jisoo's whereabouts?" asked Kai and Irene shook her head.

"Cockroaches are hard to kill," he remarked and Moonbyul looked at him really put off.

"We're trying to eat here Kai," she said and he shrugged.

"It's true. I think we should look for her ourselves. Put her to justice," Kai gritted and they all just decided to keep quiet as he went on about what they should do to get Jisoo in prison. 

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