Drive Ten.

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There was a sudden flux of cars as she turned on to the highway. Glimpsing at the radio, she saw she still had 40 minutes before Jisoo's pick-up. Leaning back, she inched the car forward, as the traffic periodically moved. Looking at her hands, Jennie glanced in to the mirror.

"Rosé, can I ask you a question," it had been on her mind since they left the store.


"Uhm...why did you kiss my hands?"

"It felt right," and Jennie was flabbergasted by the conviction in her tone.

"Oh, okay then."

"Why? Did I make you uncomfortable? I didn't mean to," said Rosé as she shifted forward. It had come naturally to her but she could see why the driver would feel uneasy by it.

"No, no. It's okay. I just wanted to know," she smiled in to the mirror and Rosé nodded.

"Yeah...sorry, I can be a bit touchy sometimes," explained Rosé as her hair fell a little forward. She knew it was rare for her to act like that. She concluded that Jennie just made her feel comfortable enough to do it so freely.

"Are you like this with all your staff?"

"Nope," said Rosé.

"Okay then," Jennie raised an eyebrow. Rosé ducked her head a little, hiding her face further behind her hair.

"None of them look like you, so I can't even entertain the idea," murmured Rosé.

"Please don't , they might get the wrong message," laughed Jennie.

"So I should just be like that with you?" Rosé's head lifted.

"I mean I wouldn't want you to act like that with the others," said Jennie cautiously.

"Why not?"

"I might get jealous," grinned Jennie and Rosé's eyes brightened.

"We wouldn't want that now," she crossed her arms, " don't worry Jennie, you can have me all for yourself. I'm a loyal hoe," Rosé placed a hand on her chest in solute.

"I thought you were a child of God," Jennie chuckled at Rosé's teasing.

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that. There's no harm in being both," she shrugged and Jennie laughed happily.

"You're such a chop," she shook her head. Rosé felt her stomach tingle seeing Jennie look so carefree. They arrived at her place too quickly, she wanted a little more time with the brunette.

"Thank you Jennie, drive safely and have a good evening," said Rosé

"You too, Rosé, don't go flirting with the cleaners or something," said Jennie jokingly.

"Only if I see you in a maids outfit," said Rosé.

"Over my dead body," Jennie shook her head.

"Why not? I can picture you know, standing in front of me in fishnet stockings, casually bending you know, sweep something," smirked Rosé but Jennie's eyes widened. There was something sultry about how Rosé said that. Seeing the panic on her face, the blonde retracted quickly.

"Sorry, that was a bit overboard. Uhm, please stay safe for the rest of the day Jennie," she bowed with a bashful smile before leaving Jennie confused by the sudden switch from naughty to shy.

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