Drive Fifty Four

987 49 27

Placing the laptop on the table, Rosé leaned back into the couch. It was odd, seeing Hollands name in the texts. She sighed deeply. She hadn't heard from Holland in a very long time. A little too long. She didn't understand the "spirit world" or whatever, but she hoped her meta was okay.

She closed her eyes. If it wasn't for Holland, she wouldn't have been able to even start looking for Jennie, let alone know she had a soulmate. Unlike what The Council had thought. She smiled faintly.

"Wow, I actually miss that asshole," she chuckled to herself referring to Holland and wondering when she would hear from her again.

Jennie sat up abruptly. Breathing heavy, the sweat dripped from her. There were bright white spots across her vision and she had to blink for quite a while before it went away. Once it was gone, she shut her eyes tight. Falling back down on her bed, she felt extremely cold. That nightmare was horrendous. It wasn't a nightmare...

Her eyes shot wide open.

"No, no, no, no," said Jennie as she clutched her head. Let me in...

"You're not real. Go away," whimpered Jennie as she felt tears come to her eyes. It had been talking to her non-stop and she couldn't stand it. Jennie please, I'm here to help you. You and Chaeyoung...

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" she yelled as the tears fell from her eyes. Her head was banging, and the pain was unbearable. When Irene rushed into her room, she found the brunette shaking with tears and clutching her head. Irene pulled her into a hug to calm her down. All the while Jennie kept whispering she wanted the nightmares to stop. She needed them to stop.

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Driving Me CrazyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora