Drive Seventeen

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No more than 15 minutes since Rosé had walked in to the high rise building Jennie saw her walk out. As she neared the car, the driver saw that her face held no expression. Rosé walked to the passenger side door and got in.

She sat facing forward for a long moment before releasing a huge sigh. When she turned to Jennie, she gave her a short smile, lowering her eyes.

"You can take me back to the university Jennie," she said softly.

"Okay," she answered and drove them out of the parking bay.

Peaking periodically to her right, Jennie caught glimpses of Rosé just looking out the window. The blonde's eyes were downcast. Her aura was difficult to read but Rosé was more quiet since coming back. Jennie was itching to see her smile again.

"Rosé, are you okay? The meeting was quite short," led the brunette.

"Yeah it was," came a muffled murmur.

"Was your Dad angry that you were late?"

She heard a bit of shuffling and quickly turned to see that Rosé was facing her fully. Leaning her head against the headrest, Rosé stared at Jennie's side profile as she drove. She didn't answer. But when Jennie turned to her and revealed a cute smile, the blonde couldn't help to return it.

"That's what I was looking for," said Jennie as her smile spread to show her gums. It made Rosé's smile widen as well.

"What were you looking for?"

"A little bit of your bright energy," said Jennie, she leaned forward to stretch her back a little, "It had disappeared since you came back from the meeting."

"Mmmm, my Dad has that effect on me."

"Why was it so short?"

"He just wanted to know how things are going. I didn't have anything to say really. So he ended the meeting" she answered.

"You two were going to meet for at least 2 hours though? Maybe you could have spent some more time together?" suggested Jennie.

"It's okay. He needs all the time he can get," Rosé chuckled lightly, "the minute I got up, a different man came in for a meeting with him"

"I see," nodded Jennie. They were quiet for a bit, before a familiar line of trees indicated that they were back on the campus. They drove towards the Science building and soon after Jennie was pulling the handbrake up.

"Thank you Jennie, I had a really good time up until obviously having to deal with my Dad," said Rosé.

"It's a pleasure. Narona's was really nice," said Jennie with a shy smile.

"I'll see tomorrow then," said Rosé and Jennie looked at her puzzled.

"I still need to pick you up whenever you're done later, to take you home," said the brunette.

"Don't worry about it, I'll be working late tonight. I'll just ask someone for a lift home. I'm sure Jaehyun will be working late too," assured Rosé.

"Who's that?"

"He's a colleague," laughed Rosé.

"Yeah but I don't know him. And I mean, I should take you home," reasoned Jennie, she had an edgy feeling at the blonde's suggestion.

"I don't want you to wait up for me. You can go home early and get some rest Jennie. Don't worry Jae will be here."

"But I'm your driver Rosé. It's my job to take you places including home. I'm going to come fetch you," urged the brunette.

"It's also your job to listen to me," said Rosé grinning cheekily.

"Yes that's true but I mean, I should come fetch you. Why bother your colleague?" said Jennie.

"My thing is I want you to get some rest and it's not going to happen if your waiting until God knows when for me to finish work. Besides you can get off work early."

"It's not even near 5pm yet. I can wait for you Rosé, it's not an issue."

"I'm going to be working very late Jennie. I don't want you to wait so long. Please, l can get a ride home."

"I can wait Rosé," whispered Jennie and pursed her lips.

"You really are one of a kind. Who refuses to get off work early?" giggled Rosé. The blonde admitted to herself that the way Jennie was pouting at the moment was something she needed to see more of.

"If I fetch you, at least I know for sure you're home safe. I need to make sure you're okay and get back in one piece," explained Jennie.

"Awww Jennie, you're going to protect me," teased Rosé.

"I just want you to be safe," said Jennie ignoring the grin the blonde was giving her.

"Sooo you do want to protect me," urged Rosé and poked one of the driver's cheeks. Jennie swatted her hand away playfully as Rosé tried to poke her again. The blonde laughed happily and Jennie suddenly felt giddy at the sound. Sitting back Rosé sighed deeply.

"You want me to be safe and I want you to rest. We're in quite a predicament here," she said.

"It doesn't have to be. Like I said I can wait," shrugged Jennie.

"What would you do if I ordered you to not fetch me and go home?"

Jennie scratched her head as she thought of an answer. It was clear that she would have to just listen. But she seemed to not want to not be able to take the blonde home. Who was Jaehyun? Where did he live? Would he even be able to take Rosé home? Her mind was coming up with more questions. She looked at Rosé intently.

"Don't you want me to come fetch you?"

Her throat felt slightly dry as the words left her. Her tone was gentle with speckles of something uncertain. Jennie's eyes moved down and Rosé frowned at the action. She reached out and lifted the brunette's chin up.

"Ofcourse I want come fetch me," said Rosé softly, "But I really am going to be working late and I don't want you to wait," her thumb was lightly grazing Jennie's cheek now.

Rosé smiled at her as she leaned their foreheads together. In the back of her mind, Jennie had an inkling that this wasn't normal at all. But she threw it out of her thoughts as soon as it came. This closeness to the blonde was so intoxicating.

"I'm ordering you to go home Jennie. I'll get back on my own. Please don't worry," said Rosé in a hush. She moved up and placed tender lips on the brunette's forehead. Moving back with a smile she gathered her bag and opened the door.

"Stay safe okay? And let me know about Friday. I'll see you tomorrow Jennie, thank you again for a wonderful day," waved Rosé as she stepped out the car.

Nodding dreamily, Jennie watched as the blonde walked in to the building. Taking off her hat, she took out her hair tie. Releasing a deep sigh, she ran her fingers through thick brunette waves and glanced at the building's entrance. She stayed like that for a while before hesitant hands moved to the steering wheel and started the car. 

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