Drive Sixty One

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Pressing the button, they watched as their father's face disappeared. Jisoo leaned back into her seat and breathed out heavily.

"I'm surprised he agreed," she said.

"I don't think he cares really. He has what he wants," said Rosé.

"True," nodded Jisoo, "What's your plans for the rest of the day?" she eyed her sister.

"Heading to the uni. Need to read up on some stuff and then get ready for the party later," answered Rosé as she looked out the window. The city streets were bustling with swarms of cars and people. She felt small in comparison looking at them from up here.

"Lisa's people better not ruin my fucking building," said Jisoo.

"Aren't you coming?"

"Ofcourse I am. No way I'm having people lap over my girl," sighed Jisoo.

"Then you can watch if anyone does anything stupid as well," smirked Rosé.

"I'm not a watchdog Chae," shrugged Jisoo.

"Yeah but you are a bitch," grinned Rosé and Jisoo flung a pen at her.

"Get out of my face hoe!" she yelled and Rosé laughed at how easy Jisoo made it to tease her.

Leaving the police headquarters, Taemin rushed to his car. Once the meeting had been done he'd tried to get a hold of Jisoo and Rosé but neither had been picking up. Jumping into his car he tried calling Jaehyun but it went to voicemail.

"Fuck," he threw the phone onto the passenger seat as he drove off towards the cottage. He needed to get a hold of Hyuna, or anyone from the original narrative. His mind sped as fast as the wheels of his car.

Jennie smiled widely as Irene and Lisa took out different dresses for her to try on. Both woman eagerly ran up to her with their choices. They were currently at Sage Modelling Agency going through outfits for later.

"That one is actually quite cute," nodded Irene at a black ensemble Lisa was holding up.

"Mmm Rosie did say she'd like to see Jen in a maid's outfit," said Lisa and Jennie's face turned into tomato skin.

"No way really?" laughed Irene, "Then we better look for a kinky maids outfit," she said and Lisa nodded eagerly.

"I think they might have one downstairs," she said, and Jennie stood up abruptly.

"I am not wearing a maid's outfit," she huffed as she took some of the choices each woman brought, "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to try these on," she said, and Irene and Lisa tried not to snicker because even when she was angry Jennie was cute.

Taemin got out of the car quickly as he reached the cottage. Closing the door behind him, he hurried upstairs to try and get in contact with someone from the original narrative. His phone remained on the passenger seat of the car and when he'd vanished into the cottage it had begun to ring.

J.seph placed a secure arm around Somin as Jiwoo hurried to go fetch the car. Somin had been coughing up a storm during their small get together and soon after she was coughing up blood. Jiwoo had wanted to take her to the hospital but Somin said she just needed to get home and drink her medication. Because of her persistence, Jiwoo had given in and now they were going to take her home. J.seph watched as Somin closed her eyes, moving her head down onto his shoulder, he hoped Jiwoo wasn't far.

Rosé tried calling Taemin again, but he wasn't picking up. Typing him a message, she waited for a reply. Her phone pinged, and she thought it was from him but instead it was Lisa who'd sent her a fuck load of photos of Jennie in different outfits. Smiling at how beautiful the brunette looked, Rosé typed a thank you to Lisa. She smirked at the one picture with Jennie in strapped stockings striking a sexy pose. Turning it into her wallpaper she saw Taemin hadn't been online in a while. Placing her phone away she started the car and drove to the university.

Groaning Jaehyun opened his eyes slowly. His vision was still a little blurry and his head was ringing. Trying to move up, he felt the stiffness all over his body. Painfully he sat up and took a few moments to gather himself. Finding some strength, he stood up slowly. Stumbling a little he turned around and saw the house was torn apart. Trying to hurry to his office, his head ached. Gripping his hair he opened his office door. Eyes wide, Jaehyun shook his head as he began to struggle to breathe.

"No, no, no," he shook as he rushed into the office horrified by what he saw. Or more like what he didn't see.

Jisoo had come as soon as she got a call from Jiwoo. Now, she was kissing Somin's hand softly while J.seph and Jiwoo watched quietly. Somin smiled weakly as Jisoo looked at her with concern.

"Baby don't worry. I just forgot to take my meds. I'll be okay," she whispered.

"I'm not going to leave you," said Jisoo.

"You guys still need to go to Lisa's work party. You can't not go," said Somin.

"But," began Jisoo and Somin cut her off.

"I've already told Lisa that I can't make it because I've gotten ill. She sounded so sad Chu. We can't have both girlfriends bail out," she smiled playfully and Jisoo kissed her hands.

"But what about you?" she asked softly.

"Jiwoo and J.seph will be staying with me. Besides I'll be way better once you two come home," Somin grazed Jisoo's cheek.

"Okay," she nodded.

"Good," said Somin, "And don't forget to give Lisa a sweet kiss for me," she said gently and Jisoo promised she would.

"Why aren't you answering!" yelled Taemin as he tried to get in contact with someone from the original narrative. Wondering whether he should travel back to get help he shook his head. He needed to tell Rosé and them before he left. Something wasn't right. Usually Hyuna or E'dawn would answer instantly. If not them, then next in line was Ren but no one was answering.

He patted himself, looking for his phone. Swearing under his breath as he didn't find it, he looked around the room. Going back downstairs, he opened the door and unlocked the car. Grabbing his phone, he locked his car again but before he could even take a look at it, a round of shots flew through the air.

A flock of birds crowed fearfully as they flew out the trees and the phone shattered against the ground. One of the neighbours rushed outside aware of what that sound meant. Running over the old man saw a rusty red car speeding off and as he turned he saw the pool of blood gathering round the parked car as the young man's body laid unmoving.

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