Drive Five.

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Turning around, Rosé saw that Jennie was still close behind them. Strangely, she felt assured by it. Facing forward again, she let her mind wonder. The driver had switched the radio station from one that was playing trap music, to one detailing the news.

"... that's incredible. I mean what are the chances of us discovering another planet, similar to our own in the next 50 years?" asked the voice.

"Well, it isn't entirely unlikely that it could happen in that amount of time, especially with the way new innovations are being discovered within technological fields. However, I personally feel, and a large group of experts would agree with me, that's it's going to take even longer than that for us to even think of first contact..." replied another voice.

Rosé slunk back in to the seat as the two voices continued to speak of impossible possibilities. She scoffed at the term. Why would anyone limit themselves to only dreaming so small? One's life, your very existence was far more complex than only wanting to viewing it through one lens.

She smiled to herself as she looked out the window. The two men on the show clearly lacked imagination. Or maybe she wasn't listening to what they were really saying? She unzipped her backpack and took out a book and pen. Jotting down a few notes, she wondered if they would mean anything.

Slowing down, Jennie stopped as they had to wait for the light to turn green. Her fingers tapped on the steering wheel. She shifted a little to her left. She continued to tap. Leaning forward, she squinted her eyes and pursed her lips.

Then, she moved back in to the seat and sighed deeply. Her eyes blinked in to the mirror and for an instance she thought she saw Rosé, sitting in the back, smiling broadly at her. Her throat lumped and she leaned forward again, shaking her head.

She switched on the radio and it filtered out the silence. But there was still a sense of hollowness in the car. She shifted again, uncomfortable with her position. Squinting, she focused on the small view of blonde hair in the other car.

She turned to the empty front seat next to her. They should've driven together, she thought. Ignoring the tinge of anxiety bubbling in her, she faced forward. The bob of blonde hair, ducked down, then reappeared and Jennie hoped the other woman was comfortable.

As if hearing her thought, Rosé turned around again and gave her a wave. Sheepishly Jennie waved back and caught a glimpse of the smile forming on Rosé's face. They turned in to the complex and she watched as the other woman stepped out of the car.

The Uber drove off and Jennie turned in hopes of finding a better parking spot. Rosé appeared to be directing her to a particular spot and she turned in to it. Securing the handbrake, Jennie stepped out and quickly headed to the boot.

She rolled the bag towards Rosé, who was standing with her hands clasped in front of the building.

"Missed me?" she said and Jennie just looked at her.

"Not even a little," tried Rosé but Jennie moved passed her with the bag. She heard the taller woman run up to her with a snicker and she gave her wry smile.

"What's with the giggles?" asked Jennie.

"It's how I deal with rejection," said Rosé playfully as they moved through the clean lobby area.

"I'm sure that's resulted in some memorable moments," said Jennie as she pressed the elevator button.

"Mostly embarrassing one's," Jennie turned to her with curious eyes.

"You don't seem like the type to get easily embarrassed Rosé," and the blonde gave her an unknown gaze.

"What you see is often illusionary Jennie."

"Again that's exceptionally deep," the elevator binged open as Jennie spoke. She was nearest to the buttons.

"Which floor?"

"The 28th," answered Rosé. It was a short and quiet trip. Jennie pushed the bag forward as Rosé led them to her room. She inserted the card and it signalled green. She turned around without opening the door.

"Thank you for a wonderful afternoon Jennie. I appreciate it," smiled Rosé.

"No worries. I mean, it's what I'm paid for right," shrugged Jennie as she moved back.

"Even still, you went the extra mile today. Thank you," bowed Rosé. Jennie nodded and turned to leave. Taking some steps, she turned around.

"Oh wait!" Rosé bolted back out again and it made the brunette step a little closer.

"Uhm, Jisoo said they're going to come by to you tonight. Lisa's says they're going to bring you lots of food," said Jennie," sorry it only came back to me now."

"It's ok. I'm glad you remembered, now I don't have to cook something," she said.

"Yeah," said Jennie and they looked at each other.

"Okay, then. I'm gonna go," said Jennie, needing to break the eye contact.

"Okay," said Rosé with a lowered gaze. Jennie gave her a wave and walked back towards the elevator. She felt like there were eyes following her. But when she turned to face forward in the lift, there was no one standing in the corridor and has the doors closed Jennie wonder why she wished it wasn't so. 

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