Drive Fifty Eight

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Dahyun and Jennie laughed as they took the dishes over to the kitchen. Rosé watched as the two chatted up a storm. Jaehyun pulled both their glasses to him and refilled them. Handing it to her, they did a mini toast and sipped on the red wine.

"So when are we planning the wedding?" teased Jaehyun

"Hopefully soon," chuckled Rosé and took another sip

"Have you spoken to her about things yet?" Rosé peaked at the kitchen and smiled as the two woman laughed together.

"I tried. But it didn't go well. She just looked at me like I was crazy," she said.

"That's not surprising," he laughed and she squinted at him.

"It does sound like nonsense when you say it outloud. Original narrative, meta's, reincarnations. Rosie it's not going to be easy convincing her," he finished his drink.

"I know," she sighed.

"Also I was going through the list again. Have you and Jen had children yet in any of the other narratives you've been to?"

"Not our own yet. We're planning on having 7 though," she smiled sincerely, "Why you asking?"

"I was just wondering about the item on the list that says "of your namesake", " he said and Rosé's eyes widened in realisation.

"Rosie and Nini," she gasped and he gave a confused look.

"Oh they're stuffed bears me and Jennie made together. They have our names and are basically our kids," she explained.

"They must be the items then. Seems like this narrative gave us more than we bargained for," he smiled.

"Yeah," she smiled against her wineglass, happy there was another item she could cross off the list.

Placing her bag onto the couch, Jennie wrapped her arms around Rosé's neck after the blonde locked the apartment door.

"That was fun. They're such a cute couple," said Jennie.

"Yeah, he really lucked out finding Dayday," smiled Rosé and kissed Jennie's cheek.

"We should do it again," whispered the brunette as she pulled Rosé closer to her. They kissed gently, enjoying the feel of each others lips.

"Mmm we should," said Rosé pecking her lips again.

"Look who I brought with me," said Jennie as she let go to reach for her bag. Opening it up, she took out Rosiebear. Mouth dropping into a happy smile, Rosé did a little dance as she clapped.

"Hold on a second," she said and ran to her room. Jennie laughed at her cuteness. Coming back with Ninibear in hand, Rosé pulled Jennie to her and made the two bears hold paws.

"They reunite," said the blonde softly and Jennie kissed her cheek.

"Yeah, I thought we should spend some family time together," said Jennie as she laid her head on Rosé's shoulder. Wrapping an arm around Jennie's waist, Rosé nodded.

"Family time it is," she said.

Rushing to the stove, Lisa took off the lid from the pot to stop the bubbling. Jisoo laughed behind the counter watching her struggle while Somin stood up to go help her.

"Shit, I think I ruined it," sighed Lisa as she plonked the lid down. Somin came up behind her and hugged her as she used a cloth to clean the stove.

"Don't worry baby, you can make us dinner tomorrow night," said Somin and kissed her temple softly. Lisa cuddled into her with a pout but Jisoo couldn't stop laughing in the background.

"I don't think we need the house to burn down," laughed Jisoo and got a big glare from Lisa making her laugh more.

"Chu stop it," chuckled Somin as she turned Lisa to her and gave her a soft kiss, "Don't listen to her baby, it's not like she can do any better," whispered Somin making Lisa smile.

"Hey!" scoffed Jisoo as she flung the nearest thing by her towards them, which happened to be a banana. Dodging it, Lisa reached to the fruit bowl and threw an orange at her.

Jisoo punched it away and ducked as Lisa threw another one. The two laughed hysterically as they flung things at each other. Shaking her head in amusement as she watched their foolery, Somin stood back and ordered them some takeout.

Jennie ducked her head into Rosé's chest and clung onto Nini and Rosiebear. Rosé laughed as the man on the tv tried to cut the other man's head off, she knew he wasn't doing it right. Jennie shut her eyes tight as she heard the man's screams.

Feeling the brunette squirm on her lap, Rosé looked down and saw her trembling and desperately gripping onto Nini and Rosiebear. Reaching for the remote, Rosé paused the movie and wrapped her arms tight around Jennie.

"Baby you okay?" she whispered and Jennie just nodded. Smiling softly, Rosé grabbed Ninibear and made the bear kiss all round Jennie's face. It got the brunette to giggle happily.

Pushing her down, Rosé got on top of her and grabbed Rosiebear as well. Jennie couldn't contain her laughter as the blonde used the stuff bears to tickle her all over. They had been sitting on the floor on the fluffy carpet, talking and watching random movies.

But then Rosé wanted to watch a scary movie cause she wanted to laugh. Not wanting to deny her, Jennie just went with it. But she doesn't do well with scary movies, luckily, she had Nini and Rosiebear too.

Laughing at Jennie's laughter Rosé moved the bears up to the brunette's face and made each of them kiss her. Jennie kissed them back, making Rosé smile. Letting the bears go, she leaned down and kissed Jennie too.

As Rosé nibbled on her lips, Jennie placed her hand's on the blonde's hips, with one of them squeezing Rosé's butt. Moaning into Jennie's mouth, Rosé increased the intensity of the kiss as she snaked her fingers into Jennie's hair.

The brunette was about to lose herself into the kiss, especially with Rosé slowly beginning to grind on top of her but then her eyes flickered open. Jennie's eyeline fell onto Rosiebear, who seemed to be telling her "we're too young for this".

"Stop, Rosé stop," said Jennie as she laid her head down on the carpet.

"What's wrong?" pouted the blonde. Covering her face with one hand, Jennie spoke shyly as she pointed to the stuffbears.

"We can't let them watch us," she whispered and Rosé chuckled lightly as she understood. Getting up, she picked up the two bears.

"Say night night," said Rosé to the bears as she waved them at Jennie. She hurriedly took them to her bedroom and tucked them underneath the blankets.

Rushing back to the livingroom, she switched the tv off and jumped back on top of Jennie, kissing her roughly.

"Where did you put them?" asked Jennie between the kiss as she gripped Rosé's butt as she bit the blonde's neck.

"They're in bed," moaned Rosé as she relished the feel of Jennie's lips on her skin.

"Guess it's bed time for them," chuckled Jennie as she kissed up Rosé's neck.

"Yeah but it's "fuck me" time for you Ms Jennie Kim," Rosé growled sexily as she licked Jennie's lips and felt the brunette rack her nails down her back, urging her to take her clothes off

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