Drive Thirteen

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Dropping Lisa off, Jennie made her way towards a small café on the North side of town. Once she arrived she saw that Jisoo was already outside waiting for her. But she wasn't alone. Holding the door open, the two strangers got in to the car but Jisoo didn't.

"I need you to take them," she said.

"What about you? Don't you have a meeting in 30 minutes?"

"Yes but they'll just meet me here," said Jisoo.

"Okay," Jennie seemed a bit doubtful, "Where am I taking them?"

"I don't know?" shrugged Jisoo.

"Should I just ask them then?"

"I guess so," said Jisoo and Jennie looked at her.

"What are their names?"

"I don't know," Jisoo took out a pack of cigarettes. Taking one out, she lit it with her lighter. Jennie saw her hand was trembling slightly.

"Jisoo are you okay?"

"Yes I am," she breathed out a long line of smoke and looked at the car.

"Alright, so I need to pick you up here after the meeting?"

"Yeah," Jisoo looked at her seriously.

"Don't talk to them," she whispered.


"Don't say anything to them. Just get where they need to go and keep quiet. Okay?"

Jennie nodded and Jisoo dragged on her cigarette. Looking at her carefully, Jennie spoke softly.

"How long have you smoked?"

"I don't," said Jisoo curtly and walked off. Sighing Jennie got in to the car and glimpsed at the two people. Her head began to pain as her eyes locked with the man with blonde hair. The woman, with her bright red lipstick and brown hair was gazing out the window. Jennie's head throbbed.

"Where am I taking you?" The man held out a piece of paper and it had an address on it. Putting it on her GPS, she looked at them before driving. The woman was looking directly at her and Jennie's head panged.

"Have we met before?" she asked and the woman broke in to a smile as she answered.

"Not in this lifetime," the man giggled softly and Jennie decided to stick to Jisoo's advice and shut up for the rest of the drive.

When they pulled up to a sheltered suburb, she had an overwhelming sense of déjà vu. As she drove down through the lane of tree's and saw the small cottage, she felt as though she had been here before. Stopping in front of the cottage, the two people got out themselves. She watched them walk in to the cottage, but not before the woman turned around and gave her a small wave.

She drove back to the Park building. Once inside, she headed towards the kitchen facilities. Two men in black suits passed by her. They paused their conversation to look at her but as she walked pass they resumed it. Turning around, she saw that one of them was glancing back at her.

Once in the kitchen, she saw that her lunch was already packed and set for her. It was the same as the previous days, but the precision still took her by surprise. She gazed around and saw two girls doing the dishes while the rest were busy cooking.

Another woman entered the room. She was wearing a black suit as well. She picked up her parcel and left without a look towards Jennie. Taking her own parcel she followed the woman out. Jennie watched as the woman walked in the opposite direction from the lockers.

The woman turned and disappeared. Closing the kitchen door, Jennie looked up at the corners of the corridor again. There was still no sight of a camera. She waited for another five minutes before making her way to where the woman went.

Once she reached the end of the corridor, her mind twirled. There were blank walls on either side. No door, no elevator, no staircase. She moved her fingers around where she thought the woman had gone, but felt nothing. Sighing, she turned back towards the locker room.

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