Stop Ten

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"Have you ever had sex with a piñata?" asked Rosé and Jennie burst out laughing.

"What? Is it that thing that's full of sweets and you need to hit it?" she asked.

"Yeah," smiled Rosé and Jennie laughed further.

"No, I have not. Why is that even a question?" asked the brunette as she reached for Rosé's hand. Intertwining their fingers, she shifted her chair closer.

"I had a dream about it once," chuckled Rosé and took a sip of her coffee.

"I have feeling it wasn't a dream," teased Jennie.

"Okay, okay, maybe things got a bit wild at a party," said Rosé and the brunette's eyes went wide.

"Rosie, you didn't?" But the blonde just shrugged, and it earned her more laughter from Jennie.

"How does one even?" asked Jennie as she tried to picture this. Rosé put a finger on her lips and the driver had a suspicion she was being duped.

"I want to do this with you all the time," sighed Rosé as Jennie moved some hair out of her face.

"Well we do see each other every day," said Jennie as she grazed her cheek.

"Yeah but I want more," pouted Rosé, "Maybe I should quit my job."

"Rosé that's not smart," laughed Jennie.

"It's not like I wouldn't be well off."

"What will you do all day?" asked Jennie. Rosé stood up and moved her chair right next to Jennie. Sitting down, she leaned in close to the brunette.

"Try and convince you to quit too," said Rosé. Jennie liked how they were still holding hands and the fact the blonde was closer now. Looking up across the cafe, she saw some people were taking glances at them.

"How would you do that," grinned Jennie. She leaned forward and gave Rosé a light kiss. The blonde smiled happily before continuing.

"I'll tell you that we can go far away from here. Somewhere quiet. Maybe not a big city but not a small town either," began Rosé. Jennie looked at her in admiration as she kept going.

"Someplace where you can join the police force again. Maybe work your way up to become a detective. And I can focus on my research, publish a few books. Maybe write some songs too," Rosé's voice was filled with tenderness.

"And then what?" asked Jennie her smile growing.

"And then we make babies. Ninibear and Rosiebear need to be inherited by somebody," chuckled Rosé as Jennie laughed.

"You're ridiculous," giggled Jennie as she caressed Rosé's cheek.

"How about it Jen, will you have my children?" Rosé kissed her gently, before leaning back with an expectant smile. Jennie raised an amused eyebrow.

"Isn't there another question you need to ask me before we move into that conversation?" countered the brunette. Rosé knew what she was hinting at but decided to have some fun.

"Jen, it doesn't matter if you're a virgin," the blonde shook her head.

Jennie's mouth dropped, and she preceded to hit Rosé over the head. Laughing happily, Rosé covered her head for protection. She then threw an arm around the brunette's shoulder and kissed her cheek in apology

"What the hell Rosé," chuckled Jennie as she nudged her elbow into the blonde's side. Chuckling, Rosé giggled at the impact. As their laughter stopped she turned Jennie's face towards her. Her eyes moved down to Jennie's lips before staring at her intently.

"Will you marry me," whispered Rosé and Jennie stopped breathing. Oddly, the immediate word that came to her mind was YES.

"Isn't that the question? Marriage before kids? Or we can just skip being traditional and do what we want," said Rosé as she continued the conversation. Jennie was still thinking of the way Rosé had looked at her while uttering THAT question. She began to feel lightheaded.

"Jen? You ok?" Rosé looked at her in concern, but she nodded.

"I'm alright, just feeling a headache coming," she smiled sheepishly. Rosé placed soft lips against her temple, kissing her gently.

"There, it will go away now," she grinned, and Jennie loved how adorable the blonde looked. Looking deep into her eyes, Jennie laced her fingers to the back of the blonde's neck.

"You're a really beautiful person Rosé," she whispered. Jennie smiled as she saw a blush creep on to Rosé's face. Pulling her in, they kissed softly.

Tilting her head, she enjoyed the taste of the blonde's lips. It's not true, thought Jennie. She didn't believe that Rosé was involved in this weapon selling business. But she needed to do her job as well. Sighing into the kiss, she knew this was getting complicated. Rosé gave her a lovely smile and she knew she couldn't hurt this woman.

They spoke softly to each other before being interrupted by a cough. Looking up, they saw their waitress scratching the back of her head and giving them a shy smile.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but would you like a refill," she pointed to their cups. Giving her a bright smile, Rosé spoke.

"Aren't you a godsend. Yes, I'd like another cup, what about you love?" she looked at Jennie and she nodded.

"There we go. Seems like we're putting you to work," smiled Rosé and Jennie saw the waitress look down shyly.

"That's why I'm here. I'll bring your drinks soon. Would you like anything to eat?" Jennie didn't like how this woman was acting all googly eyed with the blonde.

"Maybe later. Or maybe I should eat, I'm feeling hungry," Rosé questioned out loud.

"Well let me fill you up then," smiled the waitress cheekily as she took out her pen and writing pad. Who did this bitch think she was, thought Jennie. Could she not see Rosé was with her?

"We won't be staying long enough to eat. Please just fetch our drinks," she glared at the woman and the waitress nodded in a hurry. Taking their empty cups, she practically ran off.

"I think you scared her away. She might not come back with the coffee" laughed Rosé. Jennie hit the blonde in the side and crossed her arms.

"What was that for," grunted Rosé.

"You two were flirting right in front of me," murmured the brunette and looked away. Eyes wide Rosé tried to hide her smile.

"I was just being friendly. And I am hungry," she patted her stomach.

"Then we can find somewhere else for you to get food," scoffed Jennie, Rosé snuck an arm around her waist and leaned in close.

"After our drinks, we could just stay in the car. I'm sure with your help I can find something to eat right there," whispered Rosé as she blew into Jennie's ear and kissed that spot on her neck. Biting her lip, Jennie pushed her away gently.

"There are people here Rosé," she whispered and the blonde chuckled.

"Sorry, forgot we're in public," Rosé bowed her head apologetically and moved back a little.

"It's okay," smiled Jennie as she gripped the blonde's hand.

"You're just irresistible when you're jealous," said Rosé.

"I wasn't jealous," said Jennie unconvincingly.

"Mmmm sure," laughed Rosé.

They continued to chat light-heartedly as they waited for their drinks. It came swiftly, and the waitress left them alone just as quickly. It didn't interrupt the good time they were having and as they got up to leave, Jennie realized she wanted to do this every day too. 

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