Drive Fifty

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Giving her a wave as she got out, they watched Lisa walk into her apartment complex. Starting the car again, Jennie drove them out towards their house. Kai's arms were crossed, and she could see he was unhappy.

"Are you seriously dating that woman?" Jennie turned onto the highway and continued to focus on driving.

"Answer me Jennie,"

"I am seeing her," she glanced in the mirror.

"Why? You're meant to be investigating her."

"I still am," she gritted her teeth.

"What? So you're dating her to get info?" Jennie's jaw tensed. She didn't think of it that way because she had genuine feelings for the blonde.

"Jennie?" he looked at her incredulously.

"Taemin said management didn't mind how we got information. Besides I don't think she has anything to do with this investigation,"

"Really? Did she tell you that? What info have you gotten from her so far, going on these dates with her?" he crossed his arms expectantly.

"We don't talk much about her family's business even though she's let slip some weird statements. But I'm quite sure she has nothing to,"

"Jennie stop. Essentially you haven't found out anything about her involvement in the case. But your willing to lay up in her bed," he said scornfully.

"What makes you think I haven't found out atleast something. Yes, I might not talk to Rosé about her family's business but that doesn't mean I'm not investigating it."

"Wow, you're protecting her, aren't you? Do you have feelings for her?" he received no answer and that was telling enough.

"Jennie listen to me. This family is dangerous. Park Chaeyoung included. Have you spoken to Tae yet? Do you know she made the technology they're selling? That Jisoo secured the deal on behalf of their father. They're practically all in this together," he threw up his hands.

"What? What do you mean she made the tech?"

"When we went out for drinks with Lisa, she was quite open. And we were asking the right questions because we're actually interested in finding out info for this case," he said and Jennie tried to ignore the subtle jab to her work ethic.

"She told us that Chaeyoung is an inventor and that she had always wanted to be part of the family business. Apparently, she made new technology for Park Incorporations but wasn't happy with how the deal ended up. After that she distanced herself from the business. If you ask me, she probably didn't get a piece of the business she wanted and left. But she certainly was involved in this new technology that's being used in overseas conflicts. In fact, you can say she's the fucking cause of it," Kai was trying to contain his anger. He knew Jennie was better than this and was allowing her emotions to cloud her judgment.

"Rosé wouldn't,"

"Jennie you don't know her. You don't anything about her. Seriously can't you see. She's probably just trying to sleep with you. Using you," he shook his head, "I mean you've already slept with Jisoo, who has how many girlfriends. What makes you think those two sisters wouldn't want to share you too? Sick fucks," he clicked his tongue. They pulled into their driveway and Jennie put off the car. All of this was new info to her.

"Kai, I'm still getting to know her. I'm sure as we move on in our relationship I'll hear this from her personally," Jennie gripped the steering wheel.

"Relationship? Jennie your apart of an investigation of her and her family. She'll most like end up in jail. Get your head out of her ass, you're a better agent than this," turning around she glared at him angrily.

"And whose fault was it that I'm not an agent anymore Kai."

"How many times have I tried to apologize to you for that."

"Will an apology give me back the time I spent in prison."

"What did you want me to do?"

"You threw me under the fucking bus! And then you had the nerve to not come clean afterwords. Why the fuck do you think I've been avoiding you?"

"I went to management saying you shouldn't be prosecuted."

"It wasn't in their hands. The client was clear that they didn't want any of their family members hurt in the mission and then you had to fucking shoot his Uncle, because you were cocky. You made me your fall guy, Kai."

"Jennie I have so much guilt for what I did and I know it was selfish. I just couldn't risk my career," he leaned forward.

"So you risked mine?!" she couldn't understand it. He reached out and grabbed her hand.

"Jennie I love you. I have always loved you and you know we were so tight before that dumb mission. I would do anything for you," he tried to kiss her hand but she pulled it back.

"That's just thing Kai. I thought we were close. And sometimes I thought you did it out of vengeance for me not being able to date you anymore," she lowered her head.

"I would never be that petty Jen. I understood why we had to break up. You needed to figure out your sexuality and I was the first guy you ever dated. I understood, you just weren't comfortable yet," he sighed.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I didn't have feelings for you. Or that I didn't care. What you did hurt me and now your," she blew up her cheeks in frustration.

"Jen please understand that I am only looking out for you. Ever since back then I promised I would do everything in my power to protect you. Come hell or high water. It's the least I can do," he bit his lip.

"Whatever," she shrugged, she could feel tears forming with all of these pent-up thoughts being stirred up again.

"Baby please," he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, "We need to think of your safety first. Both emotional and physical. There're rumors that the Park sisters would get violent if anyone crossed them. Apparently, they've killed people Jen."

Jennie's mind flashed back to Rosé's words. But her eyebrow's furrowed. She said she would do that only for you Jen, reminded her conscious.

"You don't know her baby," Kai felt his heart beating fast, he really did want to protect Jennie.

"Please don't call me that," she said slowly and shrugged his hand off.

"Sorry," he looked down sadly," Look Jen, I'm sure the others would feel the same. These women can't be trusted. I mean look at the way Jisoo treats Lisa? And Rosé's okay with that shit? Please, you need to start thinking clearly, with the investigation as your main priority. Remember if we do this right you can become an agent again and the team will be reinstated," Jennie just stared blankly ahead, fully aware of what was at stake.

"I'll see you tonight? At the meeting," he bowed his head as she nodded. Getting out, he walked inside the house. Leaning back in her seat, she covered her eyes with her hands. Forcing any tears away, she tried not to let the memories of that failed mission come back to her.

It still hurt and all the time she spent in prison allowed her to self-reflect. And even though she disliked Kai, he was reminding her of one of the key lessons she'd learned during prison. It was the people you loved the most who hurt you deepest. Always.

Feeling a few tears escape from her eyes, Jennie thought back to how desperate she felt when Rosé wanted to give her space. Why did she act like that? As if she couldn't live without the blonde?

She hadn't given herself the chance to think through all those things yet and only now was she taking in how out of character she was acting. Maybe Rosé was right. Maybe she did need time to think.

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