Drive Twenty-Three

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When Lisa and Rosé returned from their time at the café, they found Jennie was taking a nap. Lisa sat in the back, but Rosé decided she was going to sit in the front. Taking a picture of the brunette, she woke her up gently.

Stirring up, Jennie saw that the blonde was next to her. Lisa had placed on her earphones and was video calling someone. Using both hands to rub her eyes, she sat up straight. Releasing a yawn, she turned to her side as she heard a soft laugh.

Rosé reached out a hand and rubbed off some dried drool from the corner of the brunette's mouth. Thanking her, Jennie blinked a little to adjust to the light. Leaning forward, she yawned again. When she looked at the blonde she saw her frowning.

"Did you sleep last night?" asked Rosé but Jennie smiled sheepishly.

"Not really," she answered.

"Why not? You need to rest Jennie," said Rosé. Lisa laughed as she continued talking with the person on the phone.

"I was too busy thinking about you. Of course, I wouldn't sleep," Jennie grinned.

"Not good enough Jennie. You need to rest when you can," said Rosé.

"So I shouldn't think about you?" Jennie continued her teasing.

"I didn't say that," Rosé murmured shyly. She looked up again with a smile of her own, "you can use me to help you go to sleep."

"And how should I do that?"

"I can show you better than I can tell you," Rosé grinned triumphantly. Jennie laughed but it didn't hide the sound of her own heartbeat drumming in her ears at the blonde's suggestion.

"Anyway, I got you a cupcake," Rosé handed over the takeaway box. Jennie heard Lisa say "Wonho we shouldn't" but didn't focus on it.

"You didn't have to," said Jennie as she opened the box.

"Yeah but you know I don't like making you wait," said Rosé as she bowed her head with a small smile.

"Thank you," said Jennie and took a bite.

It was good, and she chomped up half of it. Placing the other half back in the box she put it down. She turned to Rosé to say how much she liked it. But the blonde reached out a tender finger and traced the border of her lips.

Jennie watched in surprise as the blonde placed her finger into her own mouth sucking it softly with a smile.

"There was some icing on your lips. Thought I'd help," said Rosé innocently. She saw Jennie's eyes lower and turn to the front. There was a light tint of red to Jennie's cheeks and Rosé decided not to tease her for it.

" uhm thank you," coughed Jennie and started the car. Nodding Rosé faced forward too. She glanced into the mirror and saw Lisa smirking at her. Trying not to laugh, she reached for the radio to play some music.

They weren't at the mall for too long since Rosé needed to get back to the University. Dropping Lisa off first, the drive to campus was quiet. Jennie hadn't spoken since they left the cafe and Rosé didn't mind. The silence was comfortable, and the brunette was grateful for it.

When they finally pulled up to the science building, the parking area was fuller than usual. Jennie parked the car and placed both her hands in her lap. Rosé was busy gathering her bag as the brunette was fighting with her own thoughts.

"Should I wear anything specific for tomorrow?" she asked.

"No, come how you like. Just casual should be fine," smiled Rosé.

"Okay, uhm I'll let you know when I'm outside," said Jennie.

"I'm looking forward to it," said Rosé.

"Me too," whispered Jennie bowing her head. Rosé thought Jennie's current shyness was adorable.

"Let me know when you're home later," said Rosé as she opened the door.

"Uh okay," Jennie was a little confused.

"Just want to know you're safe," Rosé grinned and Jennie smiled knowingly.

"Is the other driver getting you tonight?"

"No, Jae's going to take me home again. As you can see it's busy today. We're holding a conference," said Rosé.

"You should let the driver come fetch you," said Jennie with a frown.

"You're the only driver I want to be driven by Jennie," said Rosé and she burst out laughing as she saw the brunette had nothing to say to that. Moving forward, Rosé leaned their foreheads together again.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Just focus on getting sleep tonight," she whispered and placed a soft kiss on Jennie's forehead. Dazed, the driver nodded.

"Don't forget to text me when your home and I'll do the same. Out of courtesy of course," Rosé smiled and gave Jennie a wave as she got out the car. As she watched Rosé head into the building, Jennie wished she had spoken more during their drive here. Conflicted by why she would feel that, she started the car and drove away.

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