Drive Fourteen

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Placing her lunch parcel on the passenger seat, Jennie locked the car and drove out. Her head was spinning. Where did that woman go? She drove in silence, unable to come up with an answer. Returning to the café, she parked a little closer.

Time ticked and soon three hours had passed by. In her book, there had been no specification of when this meeting would end. However, she didn't think it would be this long. Her butt was getting numb and there was only so long she could observe strangers for.

Grabbing her parcel, she took out her book and reviewed her schedule. After this, she'd be free to go home. She had only been scheduled to drive Lisa and Jisoo today. She ate her lunch as she read her schedule for tomorrow.

Finishing her food, she placed her book away and decided to step out. The air was chilly today but refreshing. There were streams of cars and people idly passing by. She stretched her legs a bit before seeing Jisoo walk towards her.

She held the door open and watched the red head climb in dutifully. Starting the car, Jennie drove them out in to the main road. She glanced in to the mirror, curious as to why Jisoo was so quiet. She saw some stress lines on the red head's face.

"How was the meeting?" Jisoo sighed heavily.

"Alot Jen, very very bothersome."

"Would you like to go somewhere to relax?"

"Sounds tempting but I think I just need to get home," said Jisoo.

"Home it is then," said Jennie. Jisoo looked at her cautiously.

"How was earlier?"

"You mean the drop off you just sprung on me?"

"Yeah sorry. So how was it?" Jisoo eyebrows knitted together, curious.

"Okay. A bit weird but okay. I just dropped them off and left," said Jennie.

"What was weird about it?"

"Well, I don't know when I looked at them my head began to pain. And the place they needed to go to felt weird, like I've been there," Jennie turned on to the highway. Jisoo's eyes widened.

"So you think you've been there before? How bad did your head hurt?"

"I've never been to that part of the city. But it felt like I was. Also it just pained. Like a headache," explained Jennie and Jisoo slouched back.

"Why are you asking?"

"It doesn't matter. Did they say anything to you? Anything particular?" Jennie gave Jisoo a confused look.

"Not really. Jisoo who were they?"

"Did they say anything to you Jennie?" the brunette shrugged.

"No they didn't."

"But you felt like you've been at the cottage before?"

"I thought you didn't know where they were going?" Jennie glared at Jisoo through the mirror and the red head shrugged.

"I didn't. Forget about it," Jisoo huffed and turned to her window. Uncomfortable by the tone in her voice, Jennie told herself to note this conversation down. 

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