Stop Thirteen

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Rosé stood in awe as Jennie ran along the edge of the water. Her brown hair was flaring behind her and the wind was ballooning her shirt. It looked like she was about to fly. It brought a soft smile to Rosé. The moment they'd stepped onto the bank of the beach, something seemed to overtake the brunette.

She'd turned to Rosé with a giddy smile and took off her shoes and socks. Loosening some of the buttons on her shirt, she untied her hair and allowed it to cascade over her. It took Rosé's breath away. And soon after the brunette, was off, as if she was running away from the sea itself. But she did it with so much joy.

Seeing the orange-streaked sky behind the brunette, Rosé was overwhelmed by an odd feeling. Jennie looked so happy, so playful. It had been a while for her to see the woman like that. She gulped. Lifting her leg, she began to take off her own shoes.

Just for this moment, she thought, she'd lose herself in this narrative. Even though it wasn't really hers. She was just borrowing it. But she was here all the same. And she was here with her. With Jennie, the love of her eternity.

"TRY AND CATCH ME BABY!!" Yelled Jennie happily in the distance as she jotted off again.

Always sweetheart, thought Rosé. I'll always come after you. Moving like her life depended on it, Rosé began to run. Jennie looked behind her and smiled brightly, seeing the blonde gain some ground. But she was fast too and picked up her speed.

Chuckling to herself, Rosé bent her head to get momentum. How fitting that she was behind the brunette, trying to catch up to her, needing to get hold of her. The thought stung her heart, but it was fleeting.

Jennie stumbled slightly and that gave the blonde an opening. Running up to her as the brunette slowed, she engulfed her into her arms. Jennie laughed joyfully has the blonde spun her around. They tumbled onto the sand, with Jennie beneath Rosé. Each of them couldn't contain their laughter.

Rosé's shoulders were still shaking from her giggles, her face buried in the crook of Jennie's neck. Smiling Jennie opened her legs and wrapped them around the other woman. Kissing the side of Rosé's head, she whispered.

"You got me baby," Jennie snaked her fingers through Rosé's hair. Perking her head up, Rosé grinned, chest rising.

"I did, didn't I?" she whispered breathlessly, and Jennie nodded. Rosé spoke softly as she moved to return her head in the crook of Jennie's neck, "Will I always have you?"

"As long as you want me," answered Jennie as she tightened their hug.

"Time isn't enough to measure how long that will be," said Rosé and felt the laughter travel through Jennie's body.

"No matter how long it is, I'll be happy. With you," giggled Jennie. Her breath hitched as she felt Rosé's lips move across her skin. The blonde kissed all along Jennie's neck and smiled as she moved up to look into dark eyes.

"I wish I could take out all my feelings for you, weave and sew them together into a dress and then drape it over you. So, you could feel, what I feel for you. So, you could tremble, like I do. So you could feel the echo of my heart on every inch of your skin," whispered Rosé and bent down to kiss her. She grabbed onto both of her hands and dragged it across the sand above Jennie's head.

Tilting to the side, the brunette tightened her legs around her. They explored the texture of each other's lips tenderly. Laying near the edge of the sand, where the water struggle to reach out to meet them but never succeeded.

Jennie was swept over by a feeling so fragile, it broke her heart. Yes, Rosé was breaking her heart wide open, scratching all the damage out of her way, and claiming it as her own. And all Jennie knew is that this was what she wanted. Her whole life, words could never describe what she yearned for, but here it was, gifted in an incredible woman. Wrapped up in Rosé.

"Love why are you crying," said Rosé with concern as she began to kiss Jennie's tears away.

"I...I do.don't know," she smiled but the tears were still falling. Rosé kissed her gently.

"Okay, let's cry together," said Rosé as she began to make herself cry.

"Nooo, don't. If I see you cry, it'll make me cry more," whined Jennie as she nuzzled her head into Rosé's chest. The blonde began to laugh.

"We wouldn't want that now," she chuckled as she wrapped her arms around Jennie's waist and stood up with her in her arms.

"I have so many feelings for you," confessed Jennie softly, as she laid her head on the blonde's shoulder.

"Me too," Rosé smiled as she began to walk with Jennie wrapped around her tightly.

"Where are we going?"

"To our family's little beach house. That's why I brought you here," said Rosé.

"Oh? Let me down, I can walk," suggested Jennie but Rosé shook her head vigorously.

"It's not far. And I like you exactly where you are," she kissed Jennie's temple.

"I like it too," said the brunette, tightening her grip and Rosé held on to her securely, ready to never let go. 

authors note: you have to keep breaking your heart until it opens- rumi xx

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