Drive Sixty Three

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"Why's he unconscious?" Jisoo looked at her father's men suspiciously as they chucked Jimin into the back of her car.

"It was the only way to calm him down, "smirked the one man, "Don't worry. He's fine. Will wake up in a few hours."

"He better or else," Jisoo pointed at them warningly and they just nodded while walking back to their cars. Watching them drive off, she spat at the spot where they were standing.

Turning around she opened the back seat and saw that Jimin was breathing soundly. Sighing, she wished Rosé had answered her phone so that she was here to help her with him. It was going to be difficult lugging him up into her apartment. Her sister's strength would've come in handy. Closing the door with a shrug, she jumped in and drove out of the deserted campsite.

Jennie laid on her arm as she looked at the sleeping woman next to her. Her hair was spilled messily over the pillow and the soft breaths she was releasing made the golden locks shimmer. Lowering her eyes Jennie noticed the thickness of Rosé's lips.

Their pinkness was more definitive against Rosé's skin, which appeared paler than usual. Bending down, Jennie allowed herself to taste them. Quietly she placed her lips against Rosé's. Ducking her head shyly as she moved back and watched as Rosé smiled in her sleep.

Feeling a warmth overcome her at seeing that small smile from Rosé, Jennie smiled as well. She got out of the bed and quietly rummaged around for something to wear. When she was dressed in one of Rosé's thick hoody's and sweatpants, she took one more glance at the sleeping woman and closed the door gently not wanting to wake her.

Chuckling as she closed the fridge, she wondered what Rosé did with all her food. She probably ate it. True, agreed Jennie. Shocked that she replied to Steza, she shook her head and looked around for the car keys. Finding them, she decided to go buy them some food.

On her drive to a nearby store, she kept replaying last night. The hungry kisses, the searching glances, the agonizing but pleasurable teasing. Biting her lip, Jennie thought how good Rosé was at fucking her. At, at...she didn't want to say it. So Steza did. At loving you. Grunting softly at hearing her, Jennie turned into the store's parking, and got out.

Making sure to buy all of Rosé's favourite snacks as well as some food to last her for the rest of the week, Jennie went to the till. She wanted to make Rosé comfortable. Though they hadn't spoken properly about what happened at the party, she'd forgiven the blonde the moment Rosé pulled her into that kiss. That deeply invigorating kiss.

"Miss?" the teller gave Jennie a quizzical look as she repeated how much everything cost.

"Oh sorry, here," she felt her face heat up as she handed the man her card. Taking the bags, she grumbled at herself for daydreaming about Rosé. Placing the bags in the backseat she got into the car. Starting it with a smile, she was ready to make them a good brunch and resolve everything while they ate and cuddled.

Jisoo cursed as she heard her phone go off again. Looking at the backseat she saw Jimin had still not woken up yet. Her phone rang incessantly. She was just afew blocks away from her apartment complex but the phone wouldn't stop pinging and it annoyed the shit out of her. Turning off into a quiet street, she parked the car and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" she answered a little frustrated.



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