Drive Twelve

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Jennie placed her plate aside and stared at her laptop. Thinking slowly, she began to type. She worked, without any consideration of the time. Stretching her neck for a moment, someone knocked on her door.

"Come in," Taemin popped his head in, before fully entering. He had a cup in his one hand. Closing the door, he moved to place it down on her side desk.

"Hey Jen, thought you might need it," he pointed to the cup and she shifted to sit up.

"Thank you," she picked it up and sipped.

"Sorry I'm only seeing you now. I've was placed on nightshift these past two days," he smiled.

"It's cool, you know I understand," she held the cup in her hands.

"So, how has it been so far?"

"Okay, I'm focusing on just settling in. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get in to the whole building," she said.

"I see. That's expected. What have you seen so far?"

"Just the first level that houses the employee's lockers and kitchen facilities. And the ground level where all the cars are. I haven't been further up than that. However those two floors alone were gigantic"

"Okay," nodded Taemin, " Well for now get settled in, figure out the schedule they got you working on and observe. Two weeks should be enough to do that right?"

"Yes it should be," she agreed.

"Good. Is there anything else you need?"

"Is there any way you could get me more information on both Park sisters? I think there were some discrepancies on the information I was handed."

"Discrepancies? Jen there was barely any info on them?"

"I know. But it's just," she placed down the cup, "they're...intriguing."

"I see," he understood, "I can't promise you anything but I'll see what we can find for you," he stood up.

"Thank you," she said.

"Sure thing. This is important Jen. For you and the squad. If we can do this properly then we can get back everything we loss," he smiled at her.

"Exactly, I'm going to need you to keep reminding me of that," she grinned.

"Ofcourse I will. Enjoy work tomorrow," he said.

"I'll try," she said and he left. Sighing, Jennie placed her laptop aside and laid down on her bed. Lifting her hands above her, she flicked her fingers. Staring at them, she brought them together.

It felt right....

It had been all she could think of, even during the Jisoo situation earlier. Actually, Rosé was drifting in her head especially when Somin was pushing Jisoo to the edge. And that made her uneasy but not at the same time. Bringing her hands down, she kissed the spot where she thought Rosé's lips had been and contemplated further.

"Morning Lisa"

"Morning Jennie," she smiled and got in to the car. Closing the door, Jennie got in herself.

"To the Agency right?" and Lisa nodded in affirmation. Driving out, she placed on the radio and soft music came out.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm okay thank you. Were you able to get Jisoo in to the apartment yesterday?"

"Yeah, she's so adorable when she sleeps," said Lisa.

"Well, after all Somin put her through I would have been more surprised if she wasn't passed out," shrugged Jennie.

"Somin has that effect on her," said Lisa softly and stared out the window. Jennie looked at her through the mirror and saw the frown. It was entirely different to her reaction yesterday.

"You okay with that?"

"I have to be," said Lisa.


"It's what I signed up for," Lisa looked to her. Jennie's eyes turned back to the road.

"Can you do the same?"

"Yes, but she doesn't take it as well."

"And you're okay with that too?" Lisa took her time before she answered.

"In all honesty Jennie no I'm not. But it's fine, you know. It just needs to be fine," Lisa smiled sadly and Jennie nodded. The rest of the drive was silent, with only the music filling up the car.

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