Drive Thirty Nine

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Standing in her office, Rosé saw that the car was still in the parking lot. Pursing her lips, she wondered if she should head down again. Wanting to make sure Jennie was okay, she was about to head out. But a familiar face at her door stopped her.

"Hello Ms. Park, do you have a moment?"

"Sure, come in," she motioned for the student to close the door behind them. It was a brief meeting, no longer than ten minutes, with the student just asking if they could get an extension on their second assignment.

Chatting with the young man on his way out, Rosé joked that he shouldn't tell the other students she gave him the extension. She held the door open for him and he left with a relieved smile. Jaehyun was on his way to her office when he saw the student leaving.

"He looked way too happy coming out of your office," he pointed. Chuckling, she led him inside. Closing the door behind him, he shook his head in amusement.

"How many times have I told you that you shouldn't sleep with the students. No matter what they promise you," he teasingly.

"And how many times have I told you I have never slept with any of them. Nor will I," said Rosé as she returned to look out of the window. Walking up next to her, he followed her line of sight.

"Is she waiting for you?"

"There's no need for her too. I think she still needs to pick up Jisoo, to take her home," said Rosé. Jaehyun smiled at her as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Relax Chae, she's probably just taking her time before going to your sister," he gripped her reassuringly and she smiled at him. Turning away from the window, they sat down.

"We're having dinner later," she began.

"Wow, you're really making progress," he clapped happily.

"Would you and Dayday like to join us?"

"Daehyun's over at her sister's and I'm having drinks tonight with Chan," he frowned apologetically. Sighing, Rosé leaned back.

"Shit, okay. Yeah, I probably should've asked you sooner."

"Why though? This could give you two some alone time."

"That's just it. I don't want us to be alone."

"Why not?"

"I can't read her. At all. I'm just not thinking fully when I'm with her and because of that, I miss the signs. I need another pair of eyes. To gauge her reactions to me," explained Rosé.

"Do you think anything you've done has sparked something in her?"

"I don't know," shrugged Rosé and Jaehyun nodded in understanding.

"I wonder if she's experienced any headaches? Have you asked her if she's experienced some of the things you've done with her before? Any sense of déjà vu?" Rosé gave him a funny look.

"I can't just straight up ask her Jae."

"Right. Sorry forgot we need to be subtle about this," he chuckled.

"Exactly, we don't want to fuck up our narrative," said Rosé.

"It's not like you haven't before," he said without thinking. Catching himself, he pursed his lips as he saw the sad expression on Rosé's face.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to come out," he apologized.

"It's okay," she said softly, "It is the truth," she lowered her eyes and he cursed himself for being so insensitive.

"Well, that's how we learn right? From failing," he smiled encouragingly.

"Yeah," she smiled back. He stood up and moved to the window again. Looking out, he saw the black sedan was still there.

"Just enjoy your dinner tonight Rosé. We'll figure out how to do this properly," he turned back to her with a smile. Looking at him hopefully, she smiled in return.

With heavy breaths, Jennie lied still as her one arm still covered her eyes. Tentatively, she brought her fingers towards her mouth. Heart still beating fast, she sucked herself off her fingers. Removing her arm from her eyes, she stared up at the car roof.

Her breathing calmed down and she could feel her heart wasn't racing anymore. Sitting up slowly, she covered her face.

"Rosé, what the fuck are you doing to me," she thought out loud. Swallowing thickly, she couldn't believe she had just masturbated to the thought of the blonde fucking her senseless.

Shuddering at the thought, she sat up fully. This wasn't okay. Jennie knew she was beginning to really develop some serious feelings for Rosé. But she couldn't believe that it was happening so fast.

When it came to Jennie Kim, she didn't believe in the whole love at first sight bullshit. In fact, she had always been a firm advocate for taking things slowly, see where your feelings lead you, get to know the other person.

But Rosé was shattering all those convictions. Jennie's never felt so connected with any other person before. Rosé felt like home. She felt like home and that was complete insanity to Jennie because they'd only just met.

Shaking her head, she hoped it would help her think properly. She had a mission to fulfill. She needed to clear her name, help her team to re-establish themselves and become a special force agent again.

She needed to help the team gather some arrests in this investigation. She needed to push her emotions aside. She needed to be objective.

"But, but..." the sound of how Rosé stuttered those words earlier appeared to her and it made her lose all her resolve.

"Fuck," Jennie's hands curled into fists. Forcing herself to forget her thoughts, for now, she hopped over into the front seat, starting the car to go fetch Jisoo. 

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