Drive Twenty Eight

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"Fuck, what do you think I should do?" asked Jennie as she shifted gears. Turning to the passenger seat, she saw that Rosiebear was just staring at her blankly.

"I need your help here, little bear," she gritted her teeth as they dodged into the inner lane to past some cars.

"Okay maybe I shouldn't have jumped into her lap like that," sighed Jennie as she looked at the bear. Its dark eyes seemed to be shooting holes into her.

"But it felt amazing," slumped Jennie as she pouted. She had fished out Rosiebear before leaving the parking lot. She just wanted to look at it and it made her heart warm. Next thing she knew, she was talking to it, seeking advice it couldn't give her.

"I should tell Taemin ey," she sought confirmation, but the bear didn't give her any.

"Or maybe not. Yeah, maybe I shouldn't. Shit why am I talking to a bear," she laughed at herself and decided to just muse on her own thoughts. Once she got home, her mind felt a little clearer.

She was going to tell Taemin. Just not yet. Jennie thought it'd be best to see how things played out. Then again, she still couldn't explain to herself why she kissed Rosé back. Especially in that way. Every time she thought back to it her pulse raced.

Sighing, she grabbed Rosiebear and stepped out the car. Locking it, she couldn't help but smile at the stuffed toy. Making her way into the house, she saw that all the lights were off. Checking the time, she realized it was quite late. Thankful that she didn't have to speak to Taemin just yet, she locked her bedroom door.

Placing Rosiebear down, she moved towards her cupboard. Taking out some P. J's, she headed towards her bathroom. After taking off her make-up, she stepped in the shower and let the water drum out her thoughts. Once she was done, she headed over to the sink, to brush her teeth.

When she looked in the mirror her eyes nearly popped out. There was a line of hickeys on her neck. Cursing, she couldn't recall that the blonde had kissed her that hard. Sighing, Jennie reasoned that she just bruised easily. But now she had a visible reminder of something she was already struggling to forget.

Having put on her P. J's, she went to go switch off the light. Grabbing hold of Rosiebear, she tucked them both under the covers and closed her eyes. Two minutes later, she shot up from the bed and rushed to put on the light.

When she fished her phone out of her jeans pocket, she cursed when she saw Rosé was still online. Switching off the light again, she crawled back into bed as she typed.

Jennie: I'm home. Sorry I nearly forgot

Rosé: Good, now I can go to sleep in peace😊

Jennie: Thank you again for today. By the way, you left your mark on my neck

She sent it but as she re-read it Jennie face-palmed. Rosé had said they could forget about the kiss but here she was bringing it up again.

Rosé: Did I now? I'm sorry Jen, hope it doesn't look too bad.

Rosé was lying on her living room couch, with Ninibear laying on her chest. She had wanted to call the brunette over an hour ago when she hadn't gotten a message. But didn't want to come across as too much.

Jennie: It's not too bad. But its... apparent.

Rosé: Lol, would you like to make things even? You can come over and leave your mark on me, anywhere you like.

Jennie: Rosé...

Rosé: Nini agrees with me.

The blonde sent a video of her making the black bear nod. Jennie burst out laughing.

Jennie: Don't bring our innocent children into this!

Rosé: Hehe ey, I'm just shooting my shot here and there's no harm with some extra help.

Jennie: Not cool Rosé.

Rosé: So I'm guessing you're not coming over then...

Jennie: It's late

Rosé: I know. Let me not keep you up. Goodnight Jennie, give Rosiebear a kiss for me and I'll see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams love xx

Jennie: Goodnight Rosé, enjoy your cuddles with Nini. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, sleep well xx

Placing her phone aside, Jennie wondered if she should have taken up Rosé's offer. Sighing, she shook the thought out of her head, pulled Rosiebear close to her and tried to fall asleep.

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