Stop Fourteen

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Turning on her side, Jennie reached out her hand and brushed some hair out of Rosé's face. It made her smile seeing Rosé's nose scrunch up cutely at the action. The baby blue curtains behind her twirled to the tune of the soft breeze coming in to the room. And the orange streaks of the sunset, accentuated the gold of Rosé's hair.

Seeing where Jennie's eyes were focused, Rosé turned around. The sunset had transformed the sky into a striking canvas. The orange and yellow stripes merged in to almost red ones. The sky's blue hue was mixing into delightful rays of pink and purple. It was lovely. But the sea breeze was increasing in its chill, so she decided to get up and close the doors.

Returning to the bed, she smiled as she saw Jennie's arms indicating her to come to her. Gently she crawled in to the embrace, placing silk-like lips against the skin of Jennie's neck. Making her way up, she enjoyed the giggle the brunette allowed to escape when she placed a kiss on her nose.

"My baby's laughing again," she said.

"Because of you," smiled Jennie.

"I'm glad," nodded Rosé, laying back down.

They were still hugging each other but had shifted their position so that each were laying on their side. Gliding her hand down Jennie's back, Rosé gripped slight fingers onto the edge of the brunette's thigh. Inching closer, she placed it over her hip, successfully intertwining their bodies together.

Jennie bit her lip at their new position. Rosé's hand travelled back up. Trailing up the back of her thigh, it took its time as it moved passed her butt cheek. She wondered if Rosé was going to give her a little squeeze. She would've liked that. But the blonde didn't and soon her hand was back in its original position, in the middle area of her upper back.

Releasing her bottom lip, Jennie looked at Rosé. The blonde's lips were curved upwards and her eyes were as deep as ever. Jennie's breath began to slow as Rosé's eyes were doing that thing again. Undressing her.

"Jennie," Rosé moved her hand to grip her shoulder gently as she leaned in to whisper in her ear, "Earlier you said I could have you," she leaned back down and smiled as the brunette nodded, "You weren't lying, were you?"

"I wasn't," Jennie shook her head," As long as you want me, remember," she said softly as Rosé's smile widened.

"I want you for the rest of my life. And the next one. And the next one. And the next," she laughed, and Jennie joined her. Kissing her forehead, Jennie spoke against her skin.

"Hopefully we'll have enough lives for that to happen."

"Would you believe me if I said we could?" asked Rosé. She was looking at Jennie earnestly, as if hanging onto every word she said.

"I would baby," whispered Jennie as her fingers began to move up and down the small of Rosé's back. Glancing at the brunette's lips, she gulped. Jennie's eyes followed the motion of her throat, wanting to bend down and allow her own lips to mimic the movement against the blonde's skin.

"That means more than you'll ever know," said Rosé as she tried containing a small shudder as she felt Jennie's nails dig down against her. Though they were both still fully clothed, it took nothing away from the affect each had on the other.

Adoring the honesty in the blonde's eyes Jennie tightened her leg around her as she placed a series of kisses across Rosé's face. Moving her hand down again, Rosé gripped onto her thigh while closing her eyes. She lost herself in the attention the brunette was giving her.

Pecking the top of her head, Jennie moved Rosé's head down onto her chest. Grazing her cheek lightly, Jennie kissed the blonde's other temple. Rosé's eyes were still closed as she listened to the brunette's steady breaths. Her hand was still gripping Jennie's thigh, but now it was massaging it softly.

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