Drive Forty Seven

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Lowering the volume of her music, Rosé scrolled down the instrument store catalog. This was tab number 12 of 17 and her laptop's functioning was slowing because of all the sites. Clicking open another potential store, she continued. Her mind was fully focused on needing to find the fucking thing...

Turning to her left, she furrowed her eyebrows at the sudden hard and softness against her cheek. Her chair creaked as she moved and seeing what was happening, the smile crept across her face on its own accord.

Jennie continued to move Ninibear across Rosé's face, allowing the bear to give the blonde many kisses. Stretching out an arm as she giggled, Rosé pulled Jennie onto her lap. Laughing the brunette moved Ninibear to give Rosé a peck on the lips.

"You're up," said Rosé as she gave Ninibear a kiss on her button nose.

"I have been for a while. But the bed was too comfy," said Jennie.

"Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah, but it was a short nap. I was tired from," Jennie bit her lip nervously as she looked down," I was tired from cooking," she finished.

"You cooked something?" Rosé was surprised because she hadn't been to the kitchen yet.

"Yeah...I knew you'd be tired from work. So I, just...I don't know. I just knew you'd be hungry so I thought I should make something," Jennie ducked her head down and began to place a trail of kisses across the left side of Rosé's face.

Clutching her closer the blonde closed her eyes and relished the feeling of the driver's lips. Clearing some strands of blonde hair, Jennie kissed the other side of Rosé's face. Moving lower, she finally reached her intended destination.

Ninibear dropped to the floor as Jennie turned fully into Rosé's lap to face her. Grabbing hold of the back of Rosé's head she let her tongue travel between the crevices of the blonde's lips, before urging them to part for her.

Rosé yielded leaning back comfortably, allowing the brunette to lead her, dominate her. Shifting up a little Jennie pulled Rosé's head further back and deepened her exploration of the blonde's mouth.

She tightened her arms around the driver's waist, feeling her eyes roll to the back of her head as Jennie's tongue danced with her own. Devour...Rosé wanted Jennie to devour her. Tilting the blonde's head, Jennie continued to claim her.

Unapologetically she hummed into Rosé's mouth and the blonde felt her song ripple through her. It strummed gently, playing on the tips of her skin and Rosé moaned. Because it moved her.

"I dreamt of you," said Jennie breathlessly, "And now you're here. I'm almost scared to let go. Afraid you'll disappear, like when my eyes opened, and I had to wake up to the image of your face fading," she whispered as she leaned her head into the crook of the blonde's neck and they hugged tightly.

"Being held by you like this, it takes all of me not to tremble. Because I'm at my most fragile when I'm in your hands, where my vulnerability comes from the possibility that your fingers might slip. And I'll no longer be in your grasp," Rosé snuggled deeper into the hug, "I guess I'm trying to say I don't want you to let go of me either Jen."

Looking up, the brunette leaned their foreheads together and kissed her softly. Getting off her Jennie glanced at the laptop. Squinting her eyes, she smirked as she turned back to the blonde.

"You still haven't gotten a new guitar?"

"I'm looking for a specific one," said Rosé.

"How long have you been searching?" pointed Jennie.

"Since I got home," chuckled Rosé. Jennie saw the tiredness in her eyes.

"I think you need to rest a bit. Get in bed. I'll bring your food," said the brunette, tugging Rosé to get up.

"Love, I need to keep looking and find this thing," Rosé turned back to the laptop.

"Baby it will still be there tomorrow. Come, let me put you in bed," smiled Jennie and pulled Rosé up. Yelping as she felt the brunette pick her up, Rosé wrapped her arms around her neck. Carrying her bridal style towards the bed, Jennie felt Rosé kiss her jaw.

"Here I thought I was the hubby and you were my wifey," giggled the blonde.

"You are my hubby and I am your wifey. But my hubby is also my baby and it's my duty to take care of you," said Jennie and nibbled on Rosé's bottom lip.

"You're really strong," whispered Rosé.

"I was in the police force remember. Besides, you're as light as a feather," smirked Jennie. Bending down, she lowered Rosé onto the bed. Opening the covers, she tucked the blankets over the blonde's body. Seeing Rosé settle in, she kissed her cheek tenderly.

"I'll be right back. Just going to get your food ok?" she whispered softly and gave Rosé another kiss on the cheek. Nodding, the blonde covered her face as Jennie left, a little overwhelmed by the brunette's care.

Jennie returned quickly with two bowls of steamy stew. As Rosé sat up and took her bowl, the brunette headed back to the kitchen to fetch some bread and drinks. Once she was back, she got into bed too and they enjoyed their meal together.

"What did you do today?" asked Rosé as she ate happily.

"Weirdly, I was in and out of sleep. Having weird dreams."


"Yeah. Can't explain it. Just had this big wave of tiredness come over me. I'm still sleepy. But I really wanted to make you dinner, so I forced myself out of bed in the afternoon," laughed Jennie.

"I'm grateful you did love. This stews amazing," smiled Rosé, dipping a piece of bread into her bowl. Heart rushing at seeing the blonde happy, Jennie shifted closer to her and put some of her own stew into Rosé's bowl.

"Here have some more," she said softly and couldn't help but giggle as Rosé wiggled her hands cheerfully at getting more food.

"Baby, you're the best. I think I might get more after this," she laughed with her mouth partially full. Shaking her head in amusement, Jennie shook her head before giving her a peck.

"Glad you like it," she placed her bowl aside and leaned down into the bed.

"What were the dreams about?" Rosé looked at her as she broke off another piece of bread.

"About a lot of things. Can't explain," Jennie's face scrunched with a yawn. Finishing her food, Rosé turned to her.

"Did you...perhaps see a bright flash at any point?" frowning Jennie pursed her lips.


"Just asking," shrugged Rosé, placing her bowl aside. Jennie bit the inside of her lip, uncomfortable by the accuracy of the blonde's question. How did she know that?

"It's okay if you didn't or don't remember. I was just curious," smiled Rosé as she laid down, staring into Jennie's eyes. Staring back, Jennie lost her train of thought. Stretching out her fingers she caressed Rosé's cheek.

"What guitar are you looking for exactly?"

"It's special. Custom made," answered Rosé.

"Is there a reason you're looking for it?" Jennie's question was barely finished before she saw that unreadable expression fall over the blonde's face. It unsettled her. But then Rosé closed her eyes and it was gone. Jennie felt her breath return.

"I'm so tired love," Jennie kissed her cheek and pulled Rosé into her arms.

"Come, it's snuggletime.I want to give my hubby some TLC," she whispered softly as Rosé rested comfortably against her chest, delighting in the love-dipped kisses Jennie poured over her. Though she was still uneasy about the look Rosé had given her, Jennie chose to ignore it and allowed her heart to lead her mind down a dark corner, where reason wasn't welcomed.

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