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Lauren Monique

As the days past Elijah has been becoming more and more distant. Even though he said he didn't want to be around me, he still answered the phone when I called but for the last two days he hasn't.

I have a job out of the country again and I need to know if I can leave Delilah with him or not. Quincy and the boys are busy with their lives so they can't watch her, Bakari left to visit his mother in Uganda.

"Hey my baby" I smile as Delilah throws herself into my arms

"Hi mama!" she giggles kissing my cheek then ran away

"Hi Geovani" I wave as he closed the front door

Geovani comes to pick up and drop off Delilah daily so she can spend time with Elijah.

"Hello Lauren" he nods "Mr.Alessandro has informed me to ask you to make something by the name of Monkey bread. He asked that you make two and bring it to the Bosses house later today"

"Okay" I nod confused "but I don't have a car at the moment so how would I bring it?"

"He as also asked me to be your driver for the day"

He thought of everything I guess

"Alright, you can relax in the living room until I'm done. My Netflix is connected to the tv if you'd like to watch anything"

"Geo!" Delilah yells holding the remote running to him "toons peas"

"I believe I'll be watching cartoons with the little one" he shakes his head as Delilah takes his hand leading him to the living room

After a while of them going back and forth on what to watch they settled on the princess and the frog.


Holding one of the dishes in my hand I walked behind Geovani and Delilah.

I don't know why I didn't just give Geo the two dishes and let him bring them to Alex, I wasn't thinking.

"Geovani take these to Alex, I'll wait in the car" I try to hand it off to him but he refused to take it as the front door opens


Elijah looks at us briefly before watching away disappearing into his office.

Delilah and I took the dishes into the kitchen finding Alexander sitting on the counter eating grapes.

"Ah Bella, you came" he smiles as jumped off the counter hugging me "I'm so glad you made it, Eli asked Mary to make this and half of it wasn't cooked. Poor lady got the curse out of a lifetime"

He takes the dish I had and rips the cover off taking a piece of the bread biting into it, moaning loudly he thanks me before going into the living room.

"Go see Dada" Delilah says trying to hold my hand and carry the plate

"Hold it with both hands babe" I told her as we went down the hall

I can do this. Just tell him how I feel then ask him if he could watch Delilah for three days.

"Mama" Delilah whispers as the doors open, looking down at her I hummed in response going into Elijah's office "give kissy"


"Hi Dada" she yells walking in

"Hello princess" he waves staring at his computer screen

We both went to the side of his desk. He looks at Delilah pointing to the covered plate.

"What's that?" he asks

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