Chapter 5 : LILITH

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Sometimes the most beautiful thing can be the deadliest thing.

Ana's POV

  "we have to help her and free her" I said as Jax and Jean were casting a telepathy spell," everyone act normal like we're over thinking and not knowing what to do cause Lilith can see us and hear us" I said as everyone agreed in a nod, " So what do we do that Lilith has an edge above us we don't help her this shitty town dies and if we do we free a maniac loose to reck havoc and probably kill lots of people" Mia said and that's when Jax had the mother of all plans "Let's free her and once she's on here earth and not hiding in the hell dimension we kill her immediately not giving her a chance to think things out" Jax said but I knew it wasn't going to be that easy "that could work but there are two major problems, one we aren't enough and two her pet the dangerous hell hound it's a big risk" I said as I felt a sharp pain in my head " You have till midnight to set me free or everything you love is ash now go to park and meet with Draxum he'll show you what to do and tell no one or else am watching you" Lilith said as I got out of Katy's house and walked to the park.

  I got to the park and had a seat at a bench and I watched kids play and the thought of Alex or or these kids getting hurt or killed it broke my heart this woman was heartless and underneath all my anger and vengeance I could still feel the good a side of me that hasn't been out for a long time it felt good.

    Back at Katy's house

As the they were discussing a way to stop Lilith Jax realised Ana wasn't there and broke the mind link, "Where's Ana?" Jax asked as they realised she left and it was a while ago "What do we do now Ana's probably going to help and the dream will come true" Mia said worrying " Let's do this go and cast a spell ask everyone in the town to stay inside do whatever it takes and gather anyone to help cause I have one in mind who doesn't want to hear from me" Jax said as Jean stood up "Am going to tell the council of magic and tell them what's happening" Jean said before she vanished. And everyone left and Jax went back to the van pel Manor and found river "Hey river can you cast a locater spell and find Ana she's in danger and we have to save her" Jax said a river nodded running up the high fleet of stairs. Jax took his phone out and called Jake his brother Jake and ask for help ,

Meanwhile in New York

      "Faster baby Aaaaah" a girl moan as Jake thrusted in and out of her as he grunts spilling his seed in her "Get out of my sight" Jake said as the girl left and he got up and heard his phone ring and took it and saw Jax and answered the phone "What do you want Jax" Jake asked, "It's about life and death come to Thorn hills as soon as possible I need you" Jax said to Jake who agreed to help on one condition Jax would do or help him out one day.

   Jax went into the car and started the engine as river talked with Victoria and Alex asking them to stay in and stay safe and then went and got into the car and the map showed Ana's location.

    Draxum and Ana were in the woods at the old church and a hundred witches were chanting something in an all and forgotten language and they were in a circle and in the middle a fire burnt and Lilith appeared or a reflection of her "My Queen" Draxum said getting on his knees followed by the witches and Warlocks , Ana approached the fire "What's your game Lilith ?" Ana asked as she laughed "If I told you then you wouldn't want to play" Lilith said as Draxum went near " My Queen everything is ready and you'll be free by midnight" Draxum said " Make it possible Draxum if this chance is lost then it's over it's only once a hundred years an ultimate power is born so don't let me down" Lilith said as the fire lit up then extinguished it's self, All Ana could thing who was this Ultimate power was it her.

Mia and Jason with the local supernatural creatures made sure everyone was safe in their houses in the local tornado shelter house there was no one in sight Thorn hills was a ghost town.
   Mia , jean and Jason got a text from Jax to meet at the woods.

    They met up at the woods and night was coming in fast they knew it was now or never, "So what do we do look at all those witches and Warlocks surrounding the place" Jax said as they hid behind a boulder, "We wait for night and kill anyone in our way" Jake said as he startled everyone, "Jake you made it" Jax said hugging his bro "Guys this is Jake my older brother he came to help" Jax said as they begun introducing them selves to Jake "I didn't know there was more of you Jax "Mia said as winked at Jake who winked back. " okay this is good but it's getting dark we have to move this church cult is going to be an obstacle but I sense they aren't protection" Jason said as everyone split up.

  " it's time my dear witch" Draxum said as Ana spit in his face and he wiped it of his face with his hand licking it. The witches and Warlocks dressed in black robes begun chanting louder and louder as the pentagram on the ground begun to light up and Draxum took Ana in the middle of the pentagram and Ana begun to glow all those witches and Warlocks were giving her power "Say it" Lilith spoke in Ana's mind.

      Jax and Jake we're mixed in the crowd with the witches that's when Ana glow and her eyes turned black and begun floating she was draining the hundred "By the power of the four elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water, LILITH I SET YOU FREE " Ana said in a demonic voice as fire appeared and all the witches and Warlocks begun screaming they were being burnt  alive and their blood went into the pentagram lines and a Lilith started to come out of the ground all bloody and naked Ana looked at the ground and saw her crawling from the earth surface and decide to run but all around here were the sizzling flesh of the hundred witches,

she ran until she hit something and looked up and saw Jake "Who the hell are you" Ana said before hearing Jax call her name and she ran to him "Ana I was worried you left" Jax said as she saw Ana looking at Jake " And this is my older brother Jake Nova he came to help " Jax said as Ana nodded and hugged Jax again, all Jake did was stare at Ana.

" It's a pleasure but I can't say that due to the situation we are in " Jake said shaking Ana's hand and kissing it.

   "Let's go finish this before she can cause more damage than what already is" Ana said as Jax smiled and kissed her forehead. Lilith was out and her minion Draxum was first to welcome her with a robe "Welcome back after a hundred thousand years my queen"Draxum said as lilith smiled until Ana came in front of her "Welcome back you witch you used me to kill all these witches your evil knows no bounds" Ana said as lilith smiled " You see big things require sacrifice but mine needed to be bigger" Lilith said as Mia came flying in using her siren voice to disarm Draxum and River begun firing energy blasts at Draxum and Lilith as Mia continued using her Sonic screams to disarm Lilith.

   "More power everyone attack " Jason said as he threw fire balls at them Jean also joined in but before anyone else could join in Lilith snapped her fingers and everyone collapsed and they woke up tied together, "You stupid mortal children your power is nothing compared to mine I want going to kill you all but you gave me no choice especially you Ana I thought we were strong women together in this but you proved me wrong" Lilith said as veins appeared all around her face and begun glowing red and the earth begun to spew lava that was going to disintegrate them , "Guys this life was a blast with you all by my side"Ana said as the lava froze before it spilled on them and a man jumped out of the sky with lightning in his hands and glowing eyes and electrocuted Lilith and Draxum . Even the sky turned to cried with thunder and begun shooting lightning at Lilith, she and her minion Draxum couldn't keep up and teleported away.

   The man freed them and Ana looked at him and saw a familiar face a face she's seen all her life "What did you say your name was?" Jake as as the man laughed "I didn't and it's Zeus" the boy answered helping Mia up, "Zeus cause of the lightning cool Thanks for helping" Mia said as Ana approached him "Do I know you" Ana asked as the Zeus looked away "No you don't but you guys have to stay out of trouble I can't interfere again " Zeus said flying out of there at rocket speed. " He can't what was that" Jake said " I have a feeling I know him" Ana said as Jax put his arm around her and Jean looked up " who was that who saved our lives Zeus?" River said  "Lilith's free and we're in the woods surrounded by dead witches who are burnt to ash" Jean said looking up at the full moon and everyone did the moon was turning red.

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