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HERETIC is a person with a belief structure or performs an action that the majority consider inappropriate as it's different than generally accepted.

The Nova clan weren't always Heretic there was once a time they were were normal practiced good and natural magic , magic that came from nature cause a with serves nature they draw power from nature, But with one big tragedy everything changes and would never be the same.


There I was looking out of the window and saw Ana playing and Alex and the dog playing and it reminded me of what my family and I used to be.

500 Years Ago

In a small town in Australia my birth home,
I had just turned twenty five and I was going to join the army like my big brother and go fight in the world war and bring peace to the other nations cause millions of people were dying everyday, yeah I was that naive. My father with my mother by his side was planning on opening a company using our sir name it was to be called Nova COoperation or street name Nova CO. My family was happy.

My older brother Jake had returned from war and I was happy cause he was alive and I would finally return with him to war and help out.

Our family went out to town and as I walked I saw a guy walking and jumped like he wasn't human into the sky with humongous wings I followed him until I caught up.

" An angel on Earth " I said shocked.

" A Devil to me more precise " He said as big dark coloured wings appeared on his back as he smiled,

" All I can do is control the weather make rain clouds and mess with the weather" I said as he laughed

" A Warlock " He said

" Am Jax Nova and you are " I asked

" Rafael MorningStar " he answered with cocky smile.

It was the start of a friendship and a bond, he became my brother he taught me half of everything I know, I once asked him about his past but he told me never to speak of that topic ever. all he told me was that the love of his was wasn't born again and that he is always waiting for her cause they were Fated mates and he was to be her King and she was to be his Queen and that this time he was going to make her immortal.

I even introduced him to my family he told them about having raw power and being powerful and "One doesn't have to be born a god you can make your self one" he said and my mother never liked anything Rafael had to say or the Heretic Ritual where you turn your blood dark and be against nature and be immortal.

At one time I refused and Jake persuaded me to do it cause we were going to be the first of the heretic bloodline but I knew power corrupts and it corrupted my family.

The night of the Ritual was the night it all changed we cast the spell and we spilled our blood in fire under the full moon and slit our wrists until all the blood dried out and I think we died and we came back to life and that night with black blood flowing in our veins, our family was Heretic. But something unforseen happened My father Max , Jake and I became uncontrollable and we went on a killing spree and we burnt every house disfigured anything in our view The power was making us do things we never imagined possible.

The town's people went to our house and killed our mother she was still a mortal witch and they caught her off guard killing her and burning the house.

morning I woke almost naked my clothes were burnt to ash and I went home and found a burnt house my dad holding my mother's burnt corps as my brother was in a fit of rage "I will kill them all" he said and he did.

We had set up plans to rebuilt the house and I went in searched for Rafael but he had disappeared and I never saw him since, but something better happened my mother's energy flowed in the house and the house was a part of my mother and my father had the house made on the roots of the previous burnt house and for a while we tried to live as a family it's what my mother would have wanted but hours turned into days and days turned into years and we were no longer the same family we used to be cause mother held us together and now she was gone we were falling apart.

My father started our family company scraped any evidence of us our family and origins we were ghosts as years continued to pass by, our paths begun to take different directions.

I fell in love and always watched her die.

I tried making the world a peaceful place by opening over two hundred charities always helping.

I was always home every fifty years as the house teleported to a new location, The house went to everywhere my mom always wanted to be and like she always said " there is never enough time to see it all " that's why it took fifty years, she lived on within the walls of the house where she got married in and watched her kids grew up in, where she lived with the love of her life my father and where she died.

I lived......

Until the nova manor appeared in New York and something has been consuming magic the house couldn't leave then I heard the land was sold to Van industries and was going to be demolish that's where I met the love of my life Ana van pel she was unlike all the women I've been with she's strong and beautiful just like my mother cause I heard a saying boys fall in love with girl who have the same characteristics as their mother.

Present day

I watched Ana playing with Alex from the window they looked happy and I would give up anything to save them from from Lilith and anyone.

I felt someone touch my shoulder and turned around to see Jake.

"Your over thinking brother it's not good" Jake said as I laughed,

"yeah I was over thing again it's all I do in my life I will give up anything for them" I said pointing out.

" I know you will brother you love her right" he asked

" with all my life I haven't felt this intense feeling for the longest time" I said as Alex waved up to me and called me out and I immediately teleported in front of him and he hugged me and Ana smiled passing the ball to me as they chased me, Maybe life want that bad there's always a light within a tunnel it's just takes time getting there.

Jake looked out of the window and looked at them as they played together on the grass and his eyes were on Ana as he was starting to develop feelings for her.

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