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H E R M E T I C     O R D E R

It was a morning like any other Ana and Jax were having breakfast outside when a half burnt letter appeared on the table.

" Magic mail " Ana said taking and opened the letter.

" Hermetic order invites you to join us Ana Van pel, High priestess Aisha " Ana read out loud.

" Hermetic order " Jax said as Ana burned the letter.

" Am not joining another rouge coven no thanks " Ana said having breakfast and that's when a group of women appeared all dressed in black robes.

" Can't a girl rest " Ana said as Alex ran behind Jax.

" We mean you no harm " an elderly woman said as Ana walked towards them.

" Well it you scared my son and frankly I feel threatened in my own home " Ana said as her eyes glowed.

" Then don't be we are the hermetic order and my name is high priestess Aisha "the elderly woman said.

" Well I already said no so you can leave " Ana said as Aisha took her hand and showed her a vision of a knight in armor who kills supernatural and he's not going to rest until the world is rid of supernaturals.

" That's why we need you to hear us out before you kick us out " Aisha said as Ana agreed.

" A dark Knight who kills supernaturals that's scary " Jax said as Aisha agreed.

" He can spot a siren a vampire and any supernatural a mile and even in a crowd of mortals "Aisha said as Ana realised they were trying to help.

" We are the good guys and we have the power to create order from chaos we have power to change the world and that's why we have to stop him "Aisha said as Ana agreed.

Meanwhile Mia was out in the woods taking a run when she spotted a the dark Knight on a horse that was dead and hide behind a tree and that's when she felt heavy breathing near her and turned to the knight up close and that's when he attacked her and she missed and used her scream and incapacitates him but not for long and she leaps into the sky and flys away.

" Where did this thing come from ? " Jax ask,

" We don't know only that it's killing our kind " Aisha answered and that when Mia walked in.

" I was attacked by some creep wearing a knight costume in the woods and he was riding a dead horse that looked inside out " Mia said taking a seat breathing fast.

" Calm down Mia " Ana said as she made a glass of soda appear.

" Thanks I hope it's diet Coke " Mia said as Ana nodded and and she took a sip.

" I feel better " Mia said as Aisha asked what Happened.

" That knight nearly killed me at the forest it's a miracle am alive " Mia said drinking her soda.

" It's here in thorn hills " Ana said as they heard a loud explosion.

" It's down town killing " Jax said as Aisha teleported everyone there.

" It's over there " Aisha said as they saw the Knight walking through the some and the chaos it made.

" What do we do ? " Jax asked,

" I don't know exactly thats why we haven't taken it down " Aisha said as they saw it coming towards them.

" Ana kill it your the herald of justice or whatever it's called " Mia said as Aisha agreed and Ana closed her eyes facing the knight and opened them and the knight was ash.

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