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Witching Hour said to be an hour where Supernatural creatures were active and to which bad luck was ascribed, But what most people don't know it's a sacred time in which we burry and send off our loved ones, it's a rite of passage.

"Even if it's the final witching hour for our fallen witches and warlocks may they find a peaceful afterlife waiting a life without pain but an endless witching hour" Elder Garrett said to the families of all witches and warlocks who died during Lilith's resurrection spell and Katy.

Midnight a time of endless opportunities a time to send off your loved ones and give them a funeral to send them in peace and perform rituals.

Ana walked over to hug Katy's parents "Am sorry Mr and Mrs Haliwel, I wasn't there to help her, am deeply sorry " Ana said to katy's mom as they comforted each other.

   Jax walked over to Ana and consoled her, as more witches and warlocks and supernatural creatures begun teleporting in the woods were filled with families and loved ones.

As Ana was talking with Jax and River her parents teleported in.

"Ana my dear how are you doing" Arthur Van pel asked as Ana went and hugged him " Fine you're here with me" Ana said as she hugged her mom " mom you came to " Ana asked as her mom kissed her forehead.

"I did for you for Katy" Victoria van pel said as she looked around and saw Jax .

"Ana I just came back from London cause I heard that you bought out the powers out of everything they own" Arthur said as Ana looked away,

"I will tell you about that later" Ana said as Victoria smiled,

"Ana is this the infamous boyfriend I keep hearing about "Victoria asked

" Yes he is, this is Jax Nova" Ana said as Jax greeted them extending a warm handshake,

" Wait Nova as in Nova Cop as in filthy rich no I meant to say It's nice to meet you Jax Nova" Victoria as Arthur rolled his eyes " A Nova is considered royalty in world of business and I have done business with your family company a couple of times " Arthur said as Jax smiled.

As they were talking and Victoria kept trying to know Jax net worth when Jake approach them.

"Why is everyone looking gloomy, it's like you all saw a grim reaper " Jax asked as Jax introduced him has his brother,

" Wait there's another one ? " Victoria said as he winked at her and she smiled.

" Young man am so sorry but am married and you will never have all of this " Victoria said leaving Jake speechless.

  Jason , Mia and Jean arrived. Everyone was celebrating their loved ones, when the barrier hiding them from the mortals from seeing them went down and an Evil more dangerous than ever before Lilith appeared with Draxum beside her.

"What the hell is she doing here" Ana said as everyone's attention was on her as they huddled together stepping away from her.

" I am Lilith Mother of Demons and I have returned after my long exile to bring our kind into the next Era of chapter, let me rephrase a new book where Supernatural creatures rule the world and humans are Extinct and I will be your queen " Lilith said as everyone around begun whispering and talking amongst themselves.

Elder Garret went close to her, "Lilith why  are you trying to bring about war?, the world is far from being a great place but we can get there with peace ! Cause there's good in all of us" Elder Garrett says to Lilith.

" You don't know me Elder and in war the dumbest thing you can do is not knowing your enemy's past and in this case I know your and everyone's " Lilith said with a smirk as she looked around seeing the scared faces looking at her then her hand turned into a sword and she waved it and the blade passed through elder Garrett head and blood begun to spill and half of his head fell and his body, Everyone begun to run others screaming and they were all trapped them in the barrier with her.

" Now anyone who wants to suffer the fate of the hundred witches and Elder Garret and doesn't like how I am running things speak now and die " Lilith asked as everyone kept quiet but Ana didn't he went to face Lilith they tried stopping her but she refused and passed through the crowd.

"I don't like how your running things and you will never rule me "Ana says to Lilith.

" Anyone Else? " Lilith asked smiling,

" I to have a problem there's no way in hell you will rule over me" Jax said standing next to Ana .

" me to"

" Me Three"

"No way lady "

"Go back to hell "

Everyone begun saying as they all joined Ana side and Lilith was furious and begun looking around seeing them all and then she looked at Ana and saw the smirk forming on her lips and that drove her to insanity and her face became scaly and big red wings came out of her back and she transformed into a dragon.

"Nobody move"  Ana shouted as she stood in front of them as Lilith begin breathing out fire aiming at them and Ana simply put her hand forward and the fire just fell on them no one was burnt.

"You see I was once scared by you, but now I see your also scared, Your scared you won't be loved that's why you want to be queen to be loved " Ana said

" I am loved by people they worship me, just like my people the Aztec they  looked at me as their god " Lilith in her dragon form said,

" Maybe they did but it was fear, You know when you said we were the same you were dead wrong because I am truly loved and that is why you and I will never be the same" Ana said as she begun glowing and raised her hand in the direction of Lilith and cast a spell from her heart andnot her mind at Lilith who  became stone and then  exploded and smoke covered everyone, Ana and Jax went to look and saw stone everywhere but Lilith was gone and so was Draxum.

" Ana what spell was that ? " River asked as Ana laughed,

" A spell from my heart  to make her feel what her heart truly feels like and that's stone can you believe it " Ana said as everyone was celebrating.

" your incredible Ana you had faith in your self and in who you are this day, your truly out of this world" Jax said as he was holding Ana by the waist and kissed her.


Arthur and Victoria were in their room talking, "That Lilith is crazy and a threat to our existence " Arthur said as Victoria was brushing her hair " Yeah she is but our daughter she's something else she has the power and my best guess is Alex to has the power" Victoria said as Arthur agreed , " Arthur I think it's time you tell her about her you family lineage and her being an Alien" Victoria said as Arthur laughed "were not aliens were are being of light and possibly we could be tied to something big " Arthur said as Victoria stared at him " You are the only of your kind you not of earth Your an Alien and it's time she knew" Victoria said as Arthur agreed.


Lilith was outside a balcony looking at the stars when Draxum asked her what she will do with Ana and her power,

"Draxum if we can't beat her well she might just as well have to join us" Lilith said as Draxum asked how and Lilith laughed " We turn her heart full of good and love into a carbon copy mine and with her power I will be unstoppable " Lilith said laughing.

  " Things are about to get interesting" Lilith said looking at the stars.


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