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week later,

Dawn, Jake and Troy had travelled to Egypt having the time of their life while River was leaving for a business trip to go find the CEO of Knight Industries.

" Am leaving for vacation am going to Egypt " River told everyone as they were having family bonding time.

" A vacation why ? " Mia asked.

" To find a CEO of a company who's partnership will keep my board members in business with Van Industries " River said.

" Sounds fun we should go " Mia said as touching her baby bump.

" Your right we should go relax " Jason said as Christian agreed.

" What are you all talking about ? " Jax asked walking in as they told him and he was immediately on board.

" That sounds fun cause I haven't traveled with the girls for a while and I need a breath of fresh air " Jax said.

" Did I hear someone say vacation ? Cause I was in Europe just a month ago and am dying to see somewhere new " Alex said as River smiled.

" your twenty years old when did I get so old ? " Christian said as Alex smiled then mia grabbed him in a tight hug.

" you will always be our baby " Mia said kissing his cheek.

" Your too strong and breaking me" Alex said as Mia let go of him.

" Okay, okay everyone calm down am going to Egypt for business that's why I booked a room at the hotel where this CEO is staying at and if I go with a pregnant siren, a demon a warlock and foxes not to forget my three nieces who happens to be young witches this trip will totally end up wasted and I don't want to screw this up the fate of my company counts on it " River said as Mia looked at him as she touched her baby bump with a sad puppy dog face.

" Fine you all can come I will book your hotel rooms " River said as they all cheered.

" Thank the Siren she hypnotized me " River said as Mia remember Jean.

" To bad Jean, Roman and Elise are in London " She said as Jason Kissed her.

" We leave tomorrow morning " River said.

Jake and Dawn had taken Troy all over Egypt and they took him all the historical monument.

" Today was fun this place is nice " Troy said as Dawn smiled and Whispered in his ear.

" Didn't I promise you we won't go to an island again " She said as he hugged her and his nanny took him to get him ready for bed and Dawn headed to her bedroom to find flowers on the floor and candle all around the bed and a bottle of wine.

" This is beautiful " Dawn said as Jake appeared behind her.


" Today I am your slave and you can take advantage of me anyway you want " Jake said seductively as Dawn turned around to look at him.

" Remember no rules " Dawn said putting her hands over Jake's shoulders.

" You make me good and that's what I love about you " Jake said as she kissed him.

" Yes that's true am a good girl but I do bad things with you " She said kissing him passionately grabbing hold onto his hair as they made way to the bed where they took off each others clothes.

" Everything I do is because I love you more than my life and everything I have " Jake said kissing her all over her neck and Dawn got flashes and saw someone she didn't know making love to her.

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