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You can't contain what you really are.....

A M O N G   T H E   S H A D O W S

Its Halloween the most haunted day of the year and Ana was looking forward to it cause it was Alex first Halloween in Thorn hills.

" I own Halloween it's my jam and it's the most important day of the year " Ana said pouring sweets into a bowl.

"Yeah its the only day your allowed to terrorise children and not be branded a psychopath " Jake said waving his hand over the bowl as the sweets glowed.

" What are you doing ? " Ana asked as turned around with other another packet of sweets.

" Making what's sweet super sour " Jake said as Ana smiled.

" Today I like your twisted mind alot " Ana said as Jax and Alex walked into the kitchen.

" Yay sweets " Alex said as he took one with Jax and they put them in their mouths.

" Gross " Alex said spitting his out.

" I see you let Jake near food again " Jax said as Jake laughed.

" You never change do you ? You have have done that sour spell since we were kids " Jax said.

" Am like leather I never go out of style brother " Jake said walking out as Alex was talking about his costume.

Jake received a call from Max who was in Australia taking care of some business and would be back soon. As Jake walked he to his car a kid appeared out of nowhere and asked for help.

" Woah " Jake said looking at the kid.

" He will kill again today " The kid said as he disappeared.

Jake walked back in the kitchen and he was pacing all over.
" I just saw a ghost and it was a kid " Jake said.
" you saw a what ? " Jax asked again.
" a ghost " Jake said.
" Well ghost don't appear will nilly " Ana said.
" Well I control the darkness the shadow realm and I usually see ghosts " Jake said as Ana laughed.

" You see ghosts ?since when " Ana asked.
" Since I was younger and it nearly drove me mad " Jake said.
" Yes our dad placed a spell on him to suppress that power and only at will can he see them " Jax said.

" Well it wasn't at will it was a desperate soul the kid appeared and asked for help and to stop him from killing again " Jake said.

" That's sad a child " Ana said.

" Yeah I know " Jake said.

" It looks like there is a serial killer who's killing children and today " Jax said.

" Your right it's Halloween kids will be out all night and he can kill easily " Ana said as she took out her phone.

" What are you doing ? " Jax asked her.

" Calling the new mayor and telling him what's happening so he can cancel Halloween and make a curfew " Ana said.

" Right do that and I will go look at missing child reports and try to find that kid " Jake said walking out and went took his car and drove off to the library.

" Well there is a ghost kid who told me to stop someone from killing today " Jax said on the library computer.

" Well today is the day of dead and that means a barrier between life and death opens and only one entity has been know to cross over, but it's a myth " Jean said as Jake looked at the computer.

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