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" We can bring our mother back home " Lori said to her sisters.

" How ? " Lana asked,

" She's dead and no one comes back from the dead " Lisa said as Lori told them about her new friends and the spell they taught her to call a lost witch home.

" We have to hold hands " Lori said,

" It won't work and I will tell you I told you so " Lisa said as they held hands and Lori said the spell out loud.

" Magic of the witches rise and bring home a lost witch back to us " Lori said as wind blew in the room and the lights exploded and Jax came in to see what they were doing that was making a racket.

" Go to sleep my girls " Jax said as he put them to sleep in their respective beds and he gave them a kiss goodnight.

" Your spell didn't work " Lisa said as Lori covered her self with her blanket.

" Mom I need you " Lori whispered and in a far away land Ana felt a strange strong wind blew on her face.

It was a calling and the moment that will change forever.

" Mom I need you " Whispered in the wind as she turned around to see who said it only to see Jake.

" I was looking for you " Jake said.

" Did you hear that ? " Ana asked,

" What "

" I need you mom ? A girl just whispered to my ear " Ana said as Jake laughed.

" Why are you laughing ? " Ana asked,

" Your mind probably made that up cause there's no one here in our island except the staff and our son, no little girls here" Jake said.

" Ghosts could be here on this island cause people might have lived here centuries back and they died starved now they are vengeful " Ana said as Jake smiled.

" Are you scared of ghosts " Jake said as Ana shoved him hard as he laughed.


     I can't believe it's been eight years, eight years of peace and tranquility and best of all I have had Ana or as I call her now Dawn Harper by my side through it all.

On the day of the fire I was able to get her out the building but she was badly hurt thanks to the hell fire that Granny conjured but with time she finally healed but wasn't the same anymore she forever lost her memories and I gave her a new life cause I couldn't throw her back in that's dangerous life that almost killed her.

I paid off a coroner to prove that the body they found in the rubble was Ana.

But in truth it was the real Dawn, Dawn Harper and now they mistook her for Ana.

I paid her family to remain silent cause what could they do their daughter was dead the best that could do for themselves was secure their future with the millions I gave to them.

When Ana woke up she had permanent brain damage and her memories were gone forever so I gave her new ones with me.

I decided to hide Ana from her family and my brother and her children and the rest of the world cause she deserves a safe and better life.

Rafael changed Reality to have her but I saved her from death and gave her a better life with no villains , problems, but I know one day it might come to an end but I will do everything in my power to stop it.

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