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Stop fighting it, there is no need to be afraid of the dark...............


A week had passed by and everything was normal my daughter Lori wasn't showing symptoms of rage or anything out of the normal and life was good but something evil had returned and that's not me if your wondering those four pricks are the one but am the one in charge am the one telling the story.

It's time I told you the story of a witch, who was powerless but it won't be the same me telling you cause am that trusted of a narrating so it's best you read for yourself.

" Ana you can't do this, he's a psychopath your unleashed something worse back into the world  " Jax said as Ana was crying and her two girls were hugging her.

" I will summon him to save her, the horsemen have her " Ana said she drew a pentagram on the floor as Jax held the girls and Ana snapped her finger and all the candles in the room lit up.

" Rafael Morningstar fallen Angel, son of the mourning I invite you over on the plain of the living now Rise " Ana said as the candles in the room went off and there in flesh and bones stood Rafael MorningStar.

" My love " Rafael said smiling.

" I need your help infact scratch that your daughter needs you " Ana said as Rafael interested was peeked.

" What happened to her ? " Rafael asked.

" The horsemen have her and I need you to help me save her " Ana said as Rafael smiled.

Okay so I might have went to the good stuff but I should take you back to how it started and see how we got where we did and early that morning should suffice.

EARLIER THAT DAY............

" We should check the future and go there cause if you haven't seen the red birds since mine years ago what if something happened to them and we fail " Ana said as Jax brought her breakfast in bed.

" Don't worry the future changes everyday cause the future starts with us " Jax said as Ana smiled.

" This year has been fun we have gone all around the world when the kids go to sleep and we have been having mind blowing sex like everyday and am afraid am getting addicted to you " Ana said as she looked at a shirtless Jax.

" Since the day I met you I knew you where the one " Jax said as he got on his knees as Ana was sitting on the bed and an engagement ring appeared in his hands.

" will you marry me ? " Jax said stunning Ana.

" When I got my memories I loved you and Jake but after spending all this time with you my love for you grew and I was getting impatient when you were going to ask me ? " Ana said as Jax didn't know if it was a yes or No.

" You silly it's a yes " Ana said telepathically as he put the ring on Ana's finger and she got up and hugged him as they fell on the bed.

Back in thorn hills Ana and Jax had just returned and they broke the news to everyone and they were all happy except for Jake.

" This calls for a celebration " Roman said as Mia was opening a bottle of wine.

" Ana I was just called by cherry she said something is happening in town and it's serious " Jean said as Ana frowned.

" It was good while it lasted " Ana said as she teleported everyone there to find a dark cloud over the town and a giant cloud of smoke moving towards the town and the closer it got they could see what it was or who.

" The Horsemen of the apocalypse " Mia said as through the smoke they say four horses and on them were DEATH, WAR, PESTILENCE AND FAMINE .

" Shocked to see us cause not only you can return from the dead " Death said.

" It's impossible how are you here " Ana asked.

" We were always here but on another plain and the spell almost didn't work if it wasn't for Martin we wouldn't be here more powerful than before " War said as the horsemen were on their black horses.

" What do you want here ? " Jax asked,

" Our granddaughter " Pestilence said.

" What for ? " Ana asked,

" She deserves to be with us not weak creatures as yourself with us she will embrace her destiny even if you took her Darkness " Death said.

" Still wanting to destroy the world cause your jealous your brother left you out in the cold " Ana said making Death angry.

" This world should have been ours now the end has finally arrived and we will be on top this time " Famine said as Pestilence started releasing her plagues on the town of thorn hills and Death closed her eyes and building started blowing up one after another.

" We will destroy everything till we get our hands on Lori " War said as everyone watching on the streets and sidewalks started killing each other.

" Stop it " Ana said as the horsemen looked at her.

" Leave this place now " Ana said as she started glowing and blasted the horsemen but they were standing.

" How cute " Death said blasting Ana as Jax caught her.

" Goodbye " Death said as the horsemen charged towards the Fortress to get Lori.

" They are going after Lori " Roman said as he jumped into the sky as Jax carried an unconscious Ana.

" Is she okay ? " river asked.

" She's fine " Jax said as they teleported to the Fortress.

" No one's taking my sister " Alex said as he was going head to head with the horsemen.

" Your powerful but we are gods " Death said as Roman landed in front of them.

And Jean and Mia and Jason teleported in and River and Jake.

Christian got out of the house with his Katana.

" Sleep " Pestilence said as they all fell to the floor and death went into that fortress and waved her hand making Elise and Troy sleep and went to up stairs to find Lori and her sister in their bedroom.

" Lori " Death said.

" You from my dreams " Lori said as Death smiled.

" Something is different about you ? " Death asked.

" I had Darkness inside me that was making me do bad things now it's gone and am better " Lori said as Death smiled and made Lori sleep then her sisters and took Lori. Placed her on her horse as Jax and Ana came to her rescue.

" The age of the horsemen is here and only the strongest bloodline will survive " Death said holding Lori as the horsemen rode off into the sky.

" No " Ana said as she fell on the floor crying not knowing what to do.

This is the part of the story where she needs my help me Rafael and brings me back to life when the end is near now the horsemen are back with more power than you can imagine and are probably going to destroy the world but that's the story of the next chapter as the battle of blood has began.

B L O O D    W A R ✓

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