Chapter 49 : DARK WEDDING

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D A R K   W E D D I N G

" When you see evil, your suppose to run away but Ana Van Pel no she runs towards it but this time I hope she doesn't run away from me " Jake said as the crowd laughed.

The engagement party was going on but Ana was out in the garden looking at the moon.

" Why is the future bride doing out here as her engagement party is going on " Jean asked as Mia smiled.

" You nearly gave me a heart attach with this news cause I always thought you and Jax will last forever " Mia said as Ana smiled at that thought.

" Yeah that would have nice but reality is harder " Ana said as Mia hugged her.

" Are you sure this is what's best for you cause I will end everything now " Mia said as Jean seconded it.

" I will be okay besides me and Jake have been together the past two years we met and had an affair " Ana said as the two were giggling.

" A dirty scandalous affair I bet " Jean asked as Ana smiled remembering the good memories.

" Yes it was but I was problematic and felt something was missing even cursed I felt something was wrong " Ana said.

" Well it was Jax " Jean said as they saw Jake.

" Ladies what are you doing here the party is in there " Jake said as they Ana changed her face to be happy.

" We were gossiping about you and the scandalous affair " Mia said as Jake opened his mouth mockingly.

" Well if you loved that your going to love this, so I was walking on the street and a card flew into my hands had an angel who was on fire I guess it was for reading future  and behind me an old fortune teller lady was there so I took her card to her and she read my future and told me I would meet the woman who will be my wife before the sun set " Jake said as Mia was dramatically crying.

" Then what happened ? " Jean asked.

" Ana came to my apartment and the sun was setting " Jake said as Jean and Mia were blown away by the story.

" A burning Angel what did that mean " Ana asked Jake.

" I don't know but it was a woman and now come to think about it that picture looked alot like you " Jake said as Ana saw it in her mind she was on fire wearing her wedding dress.

" Are you okay " Jean asked.

" Ana " Jake asked as she snapped out of it.

" yes am okay let's finish this I don't feel well " Ana said as Jake agreed.

That night Ana was on her bed thinking about everything what she was going to but then she would touch her stomach and remember she had to protect them from whatever was coming.

Jax was on his phone seeing the photos from the engagement party and knew it was over as Lexi walked into the room with a letter in her hands and gave it to Jax, it was an invitation to Ana and Jake's wedding.

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