Irrational Treasure: Part 1

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(y/n)'s p.ov.

We were all heading into town to run a couple of errands, Dipper, Mabel, and I eating Corncornos in the back seat when Mabel grabbed two chips and hung them in her ears like earrings. "Haha! Nacho earrings, I'm hilarious!" "That's debatable. Aw, come on! What's with all this traffic? And why's it all...Covered wagons?! Oh no! No, no!" Grunkle Stan starts to freak out, swerving the car quickly down the road as he pressed on the gas pedal shouting "Not today! Not today!" Soon we're blocked by maidens in the road and he backs up Dipper asking:

"Grunkle Stan? What's going on?" "We've gotta get outta here before it's too late!" He shouts when the car comes to an abrupt stop and we see wagons circling. "They're circling the wagons! We're too late! NOOOOO!" He screams again, Mabel looking out the window at the cows before stating "I've got a good feeling about today." "What's going on?" Dipper asks and I turn to him and explain. "It's Pioneer Day, Grunkle Stan's most hated holiday," He raises an eyebrow at me, and I gesture toward outside, signaling to get out of the car.

 Dipper and Mabel look at the town as Dipper pulls out an old postcard and holds it up exclaiming "Woah...Look at the town!" He looked at the town to see it looked old again when the dirty glass was moved out of his sight. Grunkle Stan finally coming out as he tells the twins "Ugh Pioneer Day...Every year these yahoos dress up like idiots to celebrate the day Gravity Falls was founded."

Toby Determined walks up looking like an old reporter. "Welcome to 1863!" "I will break you, little man!" Grunkle Stan threatens, causing Toby to hide in a barrel. "Wow look! Candle dipping!" Mabel shouts, pointing at the many festivities that Pioneer Day offers. "Gold panning!"

Dipper exclaims before our attention turns to a wedding between a man and a woodpecker. "What you talkin' about?" Mabel questions and I elaborate. "Oh yeah, I think it's written in the journal but here in Gravity Falls it used to be legal to marry woodpeckers," Dipper pulled out the journal and nodded his head in confirmation the groom walking over with his wife stating "Oh, it's still legal. Very legal..." Ok, creep... "Come one and all for the opening ceremonies!" We heard the announcer exclaim and we turn to Grunkle Stan as Mabel asks him "Come on Grunkle Stan, you comin'?!"

 "No thank you! Just remember if you come back to the shack talkin' like these people you're dead to me." "There's a carpet bagger in the turnip cellar!" "Well, horse swaggle my habble sack," The twins joke before running off, dragging me with them as Grunkle Stan shouted:

"Dead to me!" "Hear ye! Hear ye! The opening ceremony is about to commence!" We hear Officer Blubs say as we approached the stage and Deputy Durland came running up, ringing his bell. "Oh no! Police my purse!" 

Someone yelled after being robbed, at least one person got robbed on Pioneer Day. Durland just kept ringing the bell while Blubs smiled at him. "Howdy, everyone! You all know me: Pacifica Northwest, great, great-granddaughter of town founder: Nathaniel Northwest," She gestures toward the statue of Nathaniel Northwest before adding in "I'm also very rich."

Mabel's p.o.v.

Almost everyone started clapping for her. "Now if you've got the pioneer spirit we ask you to come on up and introduce yourself!" I gasp in excitement muttering "Audience participation!" My brother winces. "I dunno Mabel isn't that girl kinda like your arch-enemy?" "That's water under the bridge," I tell him, shrugging it off as I skip over to the stage, missing (y/n) shaking her head at Dipper.

 "Our fist newcomer is...Mabel..." Pacifica says, glaring at me with a grimace while I wave at the people before grabbing the mic and shouting "Yeah! Let's get this Pioneer Day started! Right guys?! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!" The crowd starts chanting with me, making me smile when Pacifica gets my attention. "I'm sorry to break it to you but Pioneer Day is for serious people and you look and act ridiculous. I mean a puppy playing basketball? Are you always this silly?" I scrunch up my sweater, trying my best not to shirk away in embarrassment. "Hey, I can be serious!" I try making a serious face and she points at me stating:

"You do have nachos hanging from your ears hun," I instantly feel bad, my cheeks flaring up as I take off the nachos, Pacifica patting my back as she tells me "Wow, I'm embarrassed for you. Give her a hand everybody!" I shirk off the stage, (y/n), and Dipper leading me away from the crowd. "Hey, you ok?" (y/n) asks me and I answer with "I need some old-timey butterscotch." "Let's get outta here," Dipper tells me as we head towards a food stand.

Grunkle Stan's p.o.v.

I continue to try and drive my car out of the mud to get away from this nonsense but it still didn't work. I take notice of a familiar face. "Hey, there uh...Donkey boy! Give me a hand with my car huh?" "Here in 1863, I have never heard tell of a...Car. Pray tell, what is this magic wheel box?" Steve tells me, poking my car with a stick and I let out an annoyed sigh. "Ugh, come on Steve you're  a mechanic for Pete's sake cut me some slack!" "Slack? I am unfamiliar with this bold new expression," Oh for the love of- 

I grab hold of Steve's shirt collar and shake him shouting "I can't take this anymore! I'm getting dumber every second I'm here!" Officer Blubs and Deputy Durland run up with his bat asking "Are gonna have to intervene here?" "Oh look the...Constable. What are you gonna do? Throw me in ye stocks?" I mock with a laugh. "Aw come on!" I shout as they lock the stocks I was in when I see Gideon walking by, geez he looked stupid in that 1863 getup. 

"Hey! Nice outfit Gideon, you actually look less girly than usual," I once again mock. "Why Standford, I'm just a humble tomato farmer selling his wares. Whoops! I dropped one," He throws a tomato at my eye. "Whoops! I dropped another one," He throws another tomato at my other eye and I let out a scream. "PIONEER DAY!!!" 

Dipper's p.o.v.

(y/n) and I had tried everything to cheer Mabel up but it didn't work, we had eventually taken a seat near the Nathaniel Northwest statue. "Hey you guys can I ask you something? Do you think I'm silly?" (y/n) and I give each other a look before I answer. "Uh...No...?" "Ugh! I knew it! The nacho earrings, the sweater...I thought I was being charming! But I guess people see me as a big joke," She exclaims taking off her sweater and tying it around her waist. "Come on Mabel you love that sweater," I say and she lets out a sigh. 

"I did before Pacifica ruined it for me. She ruins everything!" "I don't get it, why is being silly bad it just means you're fun! Why does she think that being related to the town founder means that she gets to treat everyone like garbage?!" (y/n) asks and I nod stating "Someone needs to take her down a peg."

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