Summerween: Part 2

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Mabel's p.o.v.

(y/n) walks down the staircase in her costume and I squeal. "(y/n) you look amazing!" I compliment she had gone with dressing up as her favorite character from her favorite book. "You ready to trick-or-treat?" I ask and she gives me a small smile with a nod when she looked around asked almost in a whisper.

 "Where's Dipper? I thought he'd be joining us." "Oh, he is, just wait until you see Dipper's costume! It's amazing!" We hear footsteps down the stairs and we turn around. "Here he comes now," He reaches the bottom of the stairs and I give him a confused look, he wasn't in his costume. "That is a very good Dipper costume," Candy comments as I walk over to him asking:

"What the hey-hey-bro-bro? Where's your costume?" "Look I can't go trick-or-treating I'm uh really sick," He tells me before coughing. "Must've been that bad candy, you go on without me," He waves me off and I give him a determined look. My costume wasn't gonna work without him not to mention (y/n) had told me she was excited to trick-or-treat with us.

Based on what she's told and what Grunkle Stan has told this was her first year to actually enjoy the festivities and not only that had two friends to enjoy them with. So I wanted to give her the best night of trick-or-treating ever! "Fight through it, man! Where's your Summerween spirit?" There was a knock at the door and Dipper gets up, grabs the candy bowl, and opens the door. "Trick-or-treat," We hear before Dipper asks "Dude really? You're a little old for this man, sorry. "But wait I-" 

The door was shut and I put my hands on my hips asking him "Why'd you close the door?" "I told you, Mabel, I'm just not feeling it tonight," He lets out another cough and I give him a smile. "I think a little trick-or-treating will make you feel better." "I'm not trick-or-treating!" There was another knock and again Dipper answers the door. "Look man just go to another house!" The door is slammed again.

"Dipper! Where's your Summerween hospitality?!" I ask as I got more annoyed by my brother's attitude. Another knock. "I'm not gettin' that." "Well, I am!" I open the door for the poor trick-or-treater and apologize. "I apologize for my brother, he came down with the case of the grumpy grumps-" I was cut off by the guy shouting. "SILENCE! You have insulted me! And for this, you must pay! With your lives..." 

He leans in to show his masked face and I give a nervous smile. "Aw, what a cute little mask, you're a funny guy aren't you?" I say and the guy enters the house just as (y/n) pulled me back stating "Mabel that's-" "Funny am I?" 

He cuts her off when another trick-or-treater approaches. "My name is Gordi. REMEMBER ME!" He soon shouts when the guy eats him. We all let out a shriek. "There's only one way for you to avoid his fate," The guy says, tapping (y/n)'s head and I see out of the corner of my eye Dipper pulling her closer to him. "I need a treat. If you can collect 500 pieces of candy and bring it to me before the last jack-o-melon goes out, I will let you live." "500 treats in one night, that's impossible!" (*remember's last Halloween* *looks at Halloween stash* No, it's almost Summer and I still have over 500 pieces of candy and that happened in one night)

Ripper exclaims, clutching the top of his hat in worry. "The choice is your's children, you must trick-or-treat or die," He crawls outs out and over the house and we follow him outside to watch. "Oh my gosh, Mabel do you know what this means?" My brother asks, and a wide grin spreads across my face as I shout. "I do. It means you have to come trick-or-treating! Yay!" I start shaking him in excitement.

"Who was that guy?" Candy questions and I answer her. "It's the legend Soos told us about, it's true!" "What do we do?! What do we do?!" Grenda asks, shaking my brother when Soos came out. "What's goin' on out here dudes? I heard a ruckus. Hehe, that's a funny word...Ruckus," We all run up to Soos and explain the situation. "Soos! A monster is making us trick-or-treat or else he's gonna eat us!"

"I got a picture!" Candy shows the picture and Soos's eyes widen. "The Summerween Trickster! Aw, man dude, you guys are in crazy bonkers trouble!" "How are we gonna get that much candy in one night? There's no way!" Dipper exclaims as he paced and I stood up on a bale of hay and clapped to get everyone's attention. 

"Listen up people! Now some might say that being cursed by a bloodthirsty holiday monster is a bad thing. But that monster messed with the wrong crew. With Candy's spirit, Grenda's strength, Dipper and (y/n)'s brains, and Soos here, we'll get 500 pieces of candy and have fun doing it too, even if it takes all night!" Everyone starts to cheer and I hop down shouting "To the streets!"

Dipper's p.o.v.

"All night? But I'm sick remember?" I say, letting out another fake cough when (y/n) asked "Dipper what's worse? Getting eaten by a horrifying monster or going trick-or-treating with us?" "Well..." I trail off, I wanted to go to the party but spending more time with (y/n) sounded- My thoughts were interrupted when I feel (y/n) grab my hand and drag me off stating "Come on!"

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