Boss Mabel: Part 6

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Grunkle Stan's p.o.v.

"You landed on Cash Flood!" I cheer for myself, because of me the other two hadn't won a single dollar as cash overfloods me and I shout "I'm giving none of this to charity!" "And now you can go home a thousand air or you can risk everything to double your money with a bonus word!" The lights blare as I smile. "Rich, I'm a simple man, so I'm gonna take my winnings, pack my bags, and...BET THEM ALL ON THE BONUS WORD!"

(y/n)'s p.o.v.

Mabel instantly got us to work exclaiming how time was money and if we had a complaint we could throw it in the trash. "Dipper! (y/n)! Tourists at nine o'clock!" "But what do we show them? Real magic just freaks them out!" Figure something out knucklehead!" I drag Dipper to the shack and rummage through my closet till I find it: A suit like Grunkle Stan's I had dressed up as him last Summerween and tell him to put it on while I set Soos up as the main attraction before finding the suit Mabel had tossed in the closet and put it on, covering it in merchandise.

 Within a few minutes, we had a tour going. "Ladies and gentletourists! This shack is filled with wonders never before seen by human eyes! Behold! The horrible giant Question Baby!" The curtains are lifted to show Soos in costume.

"Am I man? Am I a baby? These are legitimate questions," The group gasps. "Have your picture taken with him for a buck uh...Ten bucks, a hundred bucks!" The people cheer and that's my cue as I run out into the crowd selling the merchandise covering my body, once again raising the price of an item with each new sale till my costume was empty. "We put the fun in no refunds!" Dipper shouts before walking back in asking "How'd we do?" 

"We filled the whole jar!" We all cheer before we count the money to fix everything. "Minus the money to replace all the furniture, and supplies to fix the shack, that leaves us...One dollar," The door opens and Grunkle Stan walks in. "Tick-tock, time's up kids!" "Oh no!" "Nice to see you learned how to dress while I was gone!" He teases Dipper as Mabel glumly asks "How much did you beat us by?" "I won three-hundred thousand dollars!"

We all gasp, though it really shouldn't have been that surprising. "And then..." He explained how he had lost it all on the bonus word which had ironically enough been, please. "Apparently that word can make you money," I start to think before asking "So wait if you lost everything then that means Mabel won!" We all cheer for her. "Wait what do we win again?" "Well according to our bet I guess Mabel's the new boss...?" We all quickly shut that idea down.

"No! Grunkle Stan I had no idea how hard it was being boss, this place was cuckoo bananas until I started barking orders at people like you." "Yeah well I got to admit, it's kinda nice to be back you know," Grunkle Stan says pulling me and the twins in for a hug. "Okay, that's enough of that! And Soos...Wendy...GET TO WORK! Ahem, please...Ugh still hurts." 

"Mabel, didn't your agreement say something about Stan having to do some kind of apology dance if he lost?" Dipper suddenly asks and we all get this sly grin as we looked at Stan. "No! No, it didn't!" "Actually yeah I think I have it in my notes here..." "No! That never happened!" "Wendy get the camera!" I shout before Grunkle Stan takes off and we chase after him until he gives in to do the apology dance in a sparkly golden jumpsuit. It was hilarious to watch over 52 times.

Author: Next episode is Bottomless Pit do you guys still want me to do the stories? Cuz as far as I know only Mabel's story is canon.

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