Land Before Swine: Part 4

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Grunkle Stan's p.o.v.

"They're all trapped inside tree sap, that's how they survived for 65 million years," Dipper says as we walked further into the mine and we find the sap where the pterodactyl had been stuck in. Upon closer inspection (y/n) commented "The Summer heat must be melting them lose." "Holy moly! Forget the Cornacorn, this is the attraction of a lifetime! I could bring people down here and turn this into some sort of theme park: Jurrasic...Sap Hole!" I say to myself getting into the idea of turning this into an attraction when Soos points at a dinosaur's claw that had escaped the sap and was wiggling.

"Uh, dudes?" "Uh, maybe we should keep moving..." I had completely gotten into the idea of turning this place into a theme park as I started walking around muttering to myself about where everything would go. "This could be a gold mine! Velvety rope type deal there, ticket booth here. Ha! I should've put that pig outside ages ago!" "Wait, what did you just say?" 

I suddenly hear Mabel ask and I turn around to see that she had heard me, I had gotten too caught up with my idea I had completely forgotten to keep my mouth shut about what really happened and now Mabel had heard me.

Mabel's p.o.v.

I had noticed that Grunkle Stan wasn't with us so I headed back to get him, as I approached I heard him mumbling to himself when something caught my attention. "Ha! I should've put that pig outside ages ago!" Wait...What? "Wait, what did you just say?" I ask him before I started to realize what really happened and I question him further. 

"You said the dinosaur flew into the house..." I gasp as I realize he let Waddles outside which led to his kidnapping and I glare at Grunkle Stan. "No. no, wait! If you think about it-" I cut him off and shout "You put Waddles outside then you lied to me about it! And now thanks to you my pig could be dead! Waddles could be dead!" I start to tear up as he gives me another lame excuse. "Look, he's an animal, he belongs outside-" "No, that's it! Grunkle Stan, I am never ever speaking to you again!" I cross my arms with a frown as I turn around and start snubbing him.

"Look, you can't be serious-" "Oh is someone talking right now? Cuz I can't hear them!" "Kid-" I put my hands over my ears and start singing at the top of my lungs as I tried walking away. 

(y/n)'s p.o.v.

Dipper, Soos, Maguget, and I watch the whole thing unsure of what to do when Soos cuts in. "Guys, guys, don't fight, why can't you be like me and Dipper? Look everything's gonna be cool," He says, giving Dipper a side hug before picking up the yarn, rolling it into the ball as he stated "All we gotta do to find the pig is follow this here yarn. We just keep following and following and when we reach the end-" He pulls the end into his hand with no recollection of which cave we needed to go through. "Uh...W-which cave was it again?" "Ugh, Soos! You lost the trail!" Dipper exclaims, trying to scold Soos who hits Dipper hard on the back, causing Dipper to drop the lantern and shatter. "Aw come on, we'll find our way, trust me...Sorry dude."

Dipper lets out an annoyed sigh as he blurts out "That is it! See, this is why I didn't wanna bring you along!" "W-what do you mean?" Soos nervously stutters as I suck in my teeth as Dipper explains himself. "I mean this is really important to Mabel and you keep screwing everything up. You ruined our photograph and now you've got us hopelessly lost." "But we're puh-terodactyl bros, I made t-shirts..."

Hd holds up his t-shirt as I quietly correct him. "It's pronounced pterodactyl actually..." "And these shirts are worthless for me and (y/n), they're gigantic!" Dipper chimes in as Soos starts to get angry too. "I. Have. A different...Body type dude!" "Oh so it's my fault..." Everyone starts to argue and I begin to feel uncomfortable, unsure on how to get everyone to stop as I practically whispered to myself. "Soos still made the shirts making them priceless and we could always grow into them...Mabel calm down, we'll find Waddles just could everyone stop?" I bite my lower lip while I frowned knowing nobody had heard me when Maguget spoke up, gaining everyone's attention.

"Hey, cheer up fellers! I fixed your latern," He raises the light up and our eyes widen as we stared at the pterodactyl standing behind Old Man Maguget before we all let out a shriek, Maguget soon joining us, though still unaware of the threat behind him. "W-what are we doing?" I point behind him slowly and he turns around to look at the dinosaur before addressing us quietly.

"Nobody make any sudden movements or loud noises," We heed his advice and stand still while we stared at the pterodactyl when suddenly Maguget start jumping up and down shouting in excitement "Yeehaw! We found a pterodactyl!" The pterodactyl lets out a shriek as we all run into a cave with dinosaur chasing us as we soon reached a cliff, the broken down track leading across the gorge to a small island. We look around and see a few rocks to the side which we quickly hide behind so the pterodactyl wouldn't see us.

"Guys, we need a plan to get out of here," Dipper whispers, Grunkle Stan soon offering an idea. "Ok, ok, how's about Mabel knits Soos a pig costume-" "I like it!" "And we use Soos as a human sacrifice?" He offers, causing me to roll my eyes as Soos once again says "I like it!" "Whadd'ya say Mabel?" She crosses her arms and gives him the col shoulder. "Aw come on, you can't stop talking to me forever!" "Yeah Mabel we have to work together here," Dipper chimes in, catching Soos's attention as he asks "Oh what? You wanna work with Mabel but not your buddy Soos?" Everyone starts arguing again and the feeling of discomfort returns, to distract myself I look around and start observing everything when my eyes land on the island. On the island was a nest along with an egg and sitting next to the egg was Waddles!

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