Irrational Treasure: Part 3

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Grunkle Stan's p.o.v.

I continued to struggle to unlock the lock with a bobby pin in my mouth, my attention moving to the man who stormed out of his house before my attention turns back to lockpicking. Come on...Come on... I drop the bobby pin...No! Pacifica walks up and picks it up, giving me a smirk as she said:

"Well if it isn't Mabel's uncle Mr. Pines, looking for this?" She waves the bobby pin in my face and I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, what do you want? Money?" "I want you to say that the Northwest family is the best family in Gravity Falls," Once again I roll my eyes at her, the Northwests the best family? Please don't make me laugh. "Oh sure, you want that in writing?" She shoves a pen in my mouth and holds out a notebook. If she wants me to write her something, I'll write her something to remember, I use my mouth to write You Stink!

"Ha! I did that with my mouth!" I cheer and Pacifica whistles, gaining a crowd's attention, all were holding tomatoes...Oh poo. "Aw come on!" I scream as the crows march over and start pummeling me with tomatoes. 

Dipper's p.o.v.

We made it to the Graveyard where we found the statue of the angel pointing somewhere and I tap my chin. "Huh...That statue must be pointing to the next clue..." I trail off looking in the direction she was pointing in when I heard my sister exclaim "Aw gross! She's picking my nose!" I turn around to see her hanging from the finger by the nose when the finger snaps and the grave opens up to reveal a staircase...Woah!

"Mabel look!" "Haha, who's silly now Pacifica? Bam!" She cheers, pulling herself down and we enter the grave. "Now we're in real conspiracy mode, I feel so serious..." My sister exclaims, eating another piece of butterscotch.

"Okay look out for booby traps," (y/n) warns, flipping through the journal while I led the way with a flashlight, Mabel soon giggling. "Ha booby traps," We hear something move and I turn around to see Mabel had stepped on a button when a dart flies by our faces. We look to the other wall to see holes and I shout:

"Tranquilizer darts!" A whole bunch starts shooting at us and we duck. I grab (y/n)'s hand and she grabs Mabel's as we kept low and ran down the hall. I trip over a rock, sending us down a hole until we fell into a room filled with a bunch of old stuff. "It's a treasure trove of historic history thingies," Mabel exclaimed as we looked around. There were top-secret things about everyone, why Lincoln wore a tall hat, Benjamin Franklin was a woman...

 "Oh, man Benjamin Franklin secretly was a woman!" "Jackpot!" (y/n) shouts and we turn our attention to a folder that reads in bolded letters THE NORTHWEST COVER-UP. "Now we'll find out who the real town founder was," I say, opening the folder and reading it out loud for the girls to hear and we discovered the truth.

"Let it be known that fabled town founder Nathaniel Northwest of Gravity Falls was in fact a fraud! As well as a waste shoveling village idiot. Oh bad news for Pacifica, wait till the papers hear about this!"

I exclaim with a laugh, Mabel soon chiming in with "Once people see that I've uncovered a historical conspiracy they could never call me silly!" "The true founder of Gravity Falls was Sir Lord Quentin Trembley, III, Esq," (y/n) reads off, causing Mabel to ask "Who's Quentin Trembley?" "That's none of your business!" Blubs suddenly shouts as a light shines in our faces.

"Woo, we gotcha!" Durland shouts before faceplanting on the floor and Blubs explains. "He got hit with quite a few of those darts. I hate to do this but Quentin Trembley is a matter of National Security." "Yeah! Woo...I think I might be colorblind now..." Durland trails off. "What do you mean National Security?" I ask and (y/n) chimes in with "And who is Quentin Trembley anyway?" Blubs takes off his hat to reveal a reel. "See for yourself," They turn the projector on and the film starts to play, Mabel soon complaining. "Aw! It's black and white?!" "Shh Mabel!" (y/n) and I shush her to be quiet as we watched.

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