The Concert (Part 1)

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It's Christmas morning and I woke up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes, extra crispy bacon, scrambled eggs, and some hot cocoa, my favorite Christmas breakfast. I walk down stairs to see my dad in his matching Christmas pajamas as me, cooking breakfast.

"Merry Christmas Dad!" I said, hugging him as he cooks breakfast.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Rick. Sit down, let's eat!" My dad says.9

After we ate breakfast we put on my favorite Christmas movie, ELF, and decided to open gifts before I go out and see my friends to give them their gifts.

"Here Dad!" I said, holding multiple boxes that I had hidden in my room.

"Ricky, you didn't have to get me anything"

"Of course I did, Dad! It's Christmas, sorry it's nothing super special though."

"No, Rick. I love it. Thank you Ricky." My dad said holding up a new scarf I got him (Nini helped me pick it out), some fun Christmas socks, and a matching beanie to go with the scarf.

"Alright, your turn!" My dad says going to the Christmas tree to hand me multiple boxes.

"I love them all, Dad! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" I said holding my new skateboard, a new pair of converse, two new hoodies, a new helmet to match the skateboard, and a really cool guitar case.

"I love you Dad!"

"I love you too Son!" My dad says to me as I hug him.

"Wait! There is one more. Close your eyes."

I smile, closing my eyes, hearing my dad run upstairs to his room to grab something. I wonder if it's keys to a new car or a piano for our apartment or a trip somewhere. But before I could finish thinking I could hear my dad come back down.

"Okay, open your eyes!"

My dad hands me a small white box. "Dad, what is it?"

"Open it!"


"Of course! I had to get the best for my son. Take whoever you want!"


I give my dad the biggest hug ever and run up upstairs to my room to call Nini, my best friend.


"Hey Ricky, calm down. Merry Christmas to you too! What's up?"

"Yeah, yeah, Merry Christmas! But I just got the best gift ever!"

"What is it?"

"My dad got me two tickets to see QUEEN TAYLOR SWIFT next week!"


"THANKS! So you are coming with me right?"

"Oh Ricky, I can't. My mom's are taking Gina and I up to our cabin next week for a girl's trip. Maybe call Big Red and ask him?"

"Oh...yeah, have fun Neenz. There goes me asking Gina too, but yeah I will ask Red. Take lots of pictures for me."

"Will do! Hopefully Red can go with you. See you soon!"

"Hey Big Red! Merry Christmas! What are you doing next week?

"Merry Christmas Ricky! And my parents and I are going on vacation next week and Ash is coming with us!"

"Oh... nevermind then!"

"Everything good Ricky?"

"No, yeah. Everything's all good, I will see you later."

"Okay, yeah. See ya."

Well there goes Big Red and Ashlynn. Maybe I can try Seb?

"Hey Seb! Merry Christmas! Quick question, what are your plans for next week?"

"Hey Ricky! Merry Christmas to you too! And Carlos is taking me to Cabo on vacation with his family next week. Why, what's up?

"Oh nothing. Just wanted to see what all of my friends were doing. Have fun! Post a lot of photos."

"Of course duh! Hopefully you can hangout with someone. Sorry Ricky, I'll talk to you later!"

"Yeah, later."

Well there goes Seb and Carlos too. Maybe I'll try Kourtney? It can't hurt, we aren't the best of friends, but maybe this will bring us closer?

"Hey Kourt! Merry Christmas! What are you up to next week?"

"Uh hi Ricky. Merry Christmas to you too and working non-stop. With Big Red and his family gone, Howie and I are stuck running Salt Lake Slices through New Years. Why? Looking for a job?"

"Oh no, no haha. Just wanted to see what everyone was up to. Hopefully it won't be too crowded, maybe I'll swing by to buy some food."

"Yeah, forsure. See you Ricky, I gotta go, Christmas dinner is busy this time of year."

"Good luck Kourt, see ya."

So no Nini, Gina, Big Red, Ashlynn, Carlos, Seb, or Kourtney. I could take my dad, but that would be boring. I wanted to go with a friend, but who?...

Ugh, I guess there is only one person left to ask... EJ Caswell

We aren't the best of friends, but we are civil with each other. I would rather go with him than by himself, plus he is kind of cute. I MEAN- FUN! Yeah, he would be fun.

I call him, but his phone keeps on ringing and ringing. He is probably too busy with his rich family on Christmas Day or is probably wondering why I am calling. I am about to hang up on the last ring, but he answers.

"Hello?" He says in a quiet confused tone.

"Uh- hey EJ. Merry Christmas"

"Merry Christmas to you too, Ricky."

"Sorry, is this a bad time? You sound busy."

"Oh no. Just at this boring family dinner, but I stepped out to answer your call, so that's why I'm whispering."

He left his family to take my call? How sweet.. I MEAN-NICE, nice of him to do that for a friend...

"Oh-uh cool. I just called to see what you were doing next week?"

"Nothing. Just staying at home playing video games while my parents go on some important business trip without me again. Why?"

"Well, I got tickets to see Taylor Swift and uh-wanted to know if you wanted to see her with me?"

EJ became quiet, I couldn't hear a thing.

"EJ? You still there?"

"Let me guess, everyone else was busy and I was your last resort?"

Now this time I stood frozen not speaking.

"I-uh, NO! It wasn't like uh-"

"It's cool, Ricky. I would love to go to the concert with you. Pick you up at 5. I am taking you out to dinner before as a thank you for the tickets. No excuses. And where something cute. Text me the deets. See you then. Merry Christmas"

Before I could say anything else, EJ hung up the phone.

Do I have a date with EJ Caswell?

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