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"Step aside peasants. East High Royalty coming through." Lily said as she made her way through the halls with the hottest guy in the school wrapped around her.

The hottest couple at East High just became official and are ready to rule the school. They are already planning their Homecoming King and Queen speeches as well as their Prom King and Queen first dance. Everything would be right for that, everything except for the fact that -

*locker door slams*

"I can't believe EJ just did that to you."

"Yeah, he's a dick!"

"Nini, Gina, relax. I mean he made up his mind, what am I supposed to do?" Ricky said as he leaned up against his locker.

"NO! DON'T SAY THAT! He can't say that he loves you and make out with you over the weekend at Ashlyn's party, then show up to school today with with -"

"The dumb blonde head cheerleader."

"EXACTLY! Thanks babe." Nini said, smiling at her girlfriend, while Gina gave the "royal" couple a death stare as they walked by.

"I'm gonna tell him something.. Better yet, I'm gonna hit her." Gina said as she began to take off her earrings.

"G, don't please.. For me. I already feel bad watching all of this happen, I don't need any more drama."

"Fine, but only for your Ricky. But I swear if that blonde airhead even looks at me weird once, I'm going after her."

"Oh Gina. Fine, just do it after school hours." Ricky said, laughing.

The two girls joined in on Ricky's laugh as EJ and his girlfriend walked by them on their way to class. Lily walked straight ahead, head held high, while grabbing onto EJ for dear life. While EJ looked sad, forcing a fake smile on his face, and turning back around to see the group of friends leaning up against the lockers. All he wanted to do was drop the girl on his arm and run to Ricky, but he couldn't...

Gina grabbed her books for the next class and closed her locker just as EJ and Lily were walking by. EJ turned around and flashed a smile in their direction, smiling extra big when he looked at Ricky. NIni had a disgusted look on her face and turned around quickly, giving EJ the quiet shoulder. Gina had a pissed off look on her face and gave EJ the middle finger as he walked by.

Ricky.. Ricky on the other hand had a sad, defeated, almost embarrassed look on his face. He made eye contact with EJ for a split second causing the two boys to feel something inside themselves that they felt over the past week, but when Lily grabbed EJ's face to turn him back around to kiss him, Ricky's small glimmer of hope had faded. He looked down in sadness and made his way to his next class with Gina and Nini following closely behind him. EJ turned his head around to watch the two girls comfort the sad boy. He knew he messed up, he messed up badly.

EJ was walking to the bathroom in between classes when he felt a pair of hands grab him and pull him into an empty classroom.

"Ash? What are you - "


"OW! WHAT THE HELL?! Why did you just slap me Ash?"

"Don't even start with me EJ. How could you?"

"How could I, what?"

"How could you walk into school today acting like nothing happened over this past weekend and walk in with, with, with HER." EJ tilted his head down knowing his cousin was right.

"Ash, it's complicated."

"Complicated?! What's complicated? You were literally making out with Ricky all night at my party, then I heard you told him that you loved him? Now you show up with the head cheerleader? I know you can't just get over someone just like that."

He Could Be The One: RJ CASWEN OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now