Drunk Words, Sober Thoughts

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It's the weekend before Christmas and Ricky Bowen was in bed pissed and sad. It was Saturday night and tomorrow morning Ricky has to take an early flight to Chicago, so he could spend Christmas with his mom and stupid boyfriend. He was trying to go to some sleep, when his phone started to ring.

Ricky ignored the numerous messages and phone calls coming from his phone, but finally gave in after the like 40th call. . It was a Facetime call from Nini, "Great. Just what I needed right now." He didn't want to answer the phone, but he knew if he didn't she would not stop calling him, so he finally answered the phone.

"RICKY!!!!" Nini screamed through the phone.

"Hi Nini."

"It's so dark! I can barely see you. Where are you?"

"I'm in bed Nini, I'm trying to sleep."

"Sleep?! Why aren't you here!! Get here now!"

It was the theater's kid Christmas party at Ashlyn's house, where all of his friends were. Ricky wanted to go, but he knew he would be a downer cause of his mother and wanted to get some sleep before he gets shipped off for a week to Chicago. He knew that if he went, he would just bring down the mood and not have a good time or get way too drunk and hear it from his mother the next day, so it was best for him to just stay home.

"Nini, I'm not going. I have my flight in the morning, remember?"

"Soooo, just sleep on the flight. Ricky -"

"RICKY?! IS THAT RICKY?" EJ said, taking the phone from Nini.


Why did EJ want to see Ricky? Yeah, they were friends but not that good of friends. They would only hangout as a group, but nothing more.

"Hey EJ."

"EJ! GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK!" Nini was shouting at him.

EJ just laughed and started running throughout the house, "RICKY COME HERE NOW!! The party isn't the same without you." Yeah, EJ was definitely drunk.

Nini managed to get the phone back from EJ, "RICHARD MICHAEL BOWEN YOU BETTER GET YOUR FLAT BUTT DOWN HERE WITHIN THE NEXT 10 MINUTES OR I WILL KEEP CALLING YOU" Nini was gone too, but Ricky knew that if he didn't listen to her, she would never give up.

"YEAH BRING THAT CUTE BUTT DOWN HERE NOW!" EJ yelled behind Nini. Ricky laughed a little, he enjoyed that compliment.

"Fine. I hate you guys."

"YAY! LOVE YOU!" Nini said.

"YEAH, LOVE YOU!" EJ shouted.

Ricky grabbed his duffle bag and backpack for the plane ride and his skateboard and headed towards Ashlyn's house. Ricky's dad was already asleep as he had to get up early for work in the morning, so Ricky would have to take an Uber to the airport anyways, at least Ashlyn's house was closer to the airport. He would leave his skateboard at Ashlyn's house, pick it up when he got back, and just take an Uber to the airport in the morning.

10 minutes later, Ricky arrived at the party. He put his skateboard in the garage and his bags upstairs in an empty bedroom (so that no one would spill or throw up on them) and headed back down to the party. All of his friends greeted him, most clearly drunk, but were all happy to see him. Everyone gave him a huge hug as he entered, especially EJ who gave him a tighter hug than most, even slightly slapping Ricky's butt. Ricky's eyes got wide and he felt his body become numb, did EJ just slap his ass?

"There's that cute butt! I was wondering if it was ever going to show up." EJ whispered into Ricky's ear. The skater wanted to throw up, smelling all of the alcohol coming from the taller boy's breath. He let the comment slide as EJ was clearly drunk and out of it.

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