First Time

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Smut! (obviously from the title) 

"What was it like the first time you had sex?"

Ricky asked the theater gang as they all sat around the cafeteria table. Nearly half of them spit out their food or gasped in shock.

"Uh, give a girl a little warning next time." Gina said, wiping her mouth after spitting up her drink.

"Yeah Ricky, where is this coming from?" Ashlyn said, wiping food off of her and Big Red's clothes.

"I'm sorry guys. It's just... him. I mean I-, we-" Ricky was trying to get the words out to his friends while staring at his boyfriend who was talking with his waterpolo teammates.

"Wait, wait, hold up. You mean to tell me you and EJ haven't had sex yet? Haven't you two been dating for like 2 years now?" Carlos asked.

"1 year, 10 months, 13 weeks, and 5 days... but uhm, no.. We have done other things just not actual sex yet. How was it for you all when you had your first time?"

"Well, Seb and I haven't had our first time yet." Carlos said, grabbing his boyfriend's hand.

"Yeah, something about sex doesn't seem right to me. I'm just happy Carlos understands it." Seb gave his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.

"My first time with Howie was AMAZING! He made me feel so good and worshiped me and made sure I was comfortable the whole time. Plus he has a big di-"

"OKAY KOURT! Uhm, don't need all the details.. Thanks though." Ricky awkwardly laughed while trying to ask someone else.

"Big Red? Ash?"

"Biggie and I are waiting for the right time. We've had moments, but it's just never been right."

"Yeah, whenever we're ready, it will happen. Not rushing anything." The two redheads smiled at each other, while rubbing their noses together.

"G? Nennez?"

"We were a little different. We were super romantic and made a date night out of it and just made sure each of us were comfortable." Gina said.

"Yeah, Ricky, don't worry about it. It will happen when it happens." Nini said, grabbing her best friend's hand.

"Have you tried to?" Carlos asked.

"We have.. But every time we get there, I freak out and panic. I get all self conscious and in my head and think that EJ would never want to do it with me. I mean look at him, he's EJ Caswell, Mr. Popular, Mr. Athletic, Mr. Everyone wants to date him. He's probably has so much more experience than me that, that I-"

"That you think you won't be up to his standards?" Gina asked and Ricky just nodded his head.

"Ricky, you have nothing to worry about. I know my cousin and I know how much he loves you. Just go with the flow and trust him, you'll be okay." Ashlyn said.

"Thanks guys. Maybe it'll happen soon."

"Maybe, what will happen soon?" EJ said, sitting at the lunch table and giving Ricky a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh, that you and Ricky will finally have se-" Seb was about to blurt out, but Carlos covered his mouth.

"That you and Ricky will finally get married.." Carlos awkwardly said while laughing.

"Not right now, but eventually one day." EJ wrapped his arm around Ricky and pulled his boyfriend into a hug.

The theater gang all awkwardly laughed as the lunch bell rang.

"Oh would you look at that, that's the bell. Gotta go!" Big Red awkwardly said as he grabbed Ashlyn's hand and left as the others followed them.

Ricky grabbed his backpack and was heading for his class, when EJ grabbed his hand and stopped him.

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