the trail of the flash

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"There is a moment in time when the universe turns itself completely upside down and nothing makes sense anymore. It is a moment when facts become fictions and every truth you ever believed in instantly becomes a lie... It's when the present becomes the past, your life story becomes a myth and your dreams become little more than childish fantasies... Your reality becomes an illusion as your anxieties transform into fear because somewhere inside you realize that this is the moment you are watching everything dissolve away into nothing...... This is what it feels like to lose the love of your life."

"My name is Barry Allen..."

"And I'm an innocent man..."

"I know that you'll find my fingerprints all over his body. And I know that you'll find his DNA on mine..."

"But I don't know who stabbed him. Or how he ended up in my loft. All I can tell you is I'm being framed for something I didn't do. I didn't kill Clifford DeVoe."

A sigh.

Barry sat across from Captain Singh and another officer, who both wanted to believe him. "All right, Allen. Let's run it back from the beginning."


On the day of Barry's trail, he stood in the cortex, with everyone else, all of them wearing suits or dresses. "This is exactly what DeVoe wanted," Barry started. "I mean, we all played right into his plan, especially me."

"Why would DeVoe want to orchestrate all of this?" Iris asked.

"I don't know, but we know that this started when I was still in the Speed Force," Barry said.

"But why target Dominic?" Joe questioned.

"Dominic's power must have allowed DeVoe to inhabit his body. We should've been on top of this earlier," Harry said, mentally kicking himself that Barry was now in this position.

"What about the other metas on the bus?" Caitlin questioned. "Why create them?"

"Part of a larger plan?" Harry said.

Barry nodded before he itched his ankle with his foot, causing Ralph to notice the ankle monitor on him. "How are you even here right now, Allen?" He asked and Barry looked at him. "Aren't you on house arrest?"

"Yeah, well-"

"He's at Joe's actually. Either that or the courthouse. I managed to hack into the ankle monitor GPS," Cisco explained which caused Kara to think to herself.

"That's not the only thing Cisco hacked," she muttered, before she pointed at Barry, her eyebrows furrowed. "When you came out of the Speed Force, you were talking gibberish at CCPD. You said something about not wanting to kill anyone."

"That's right," Cisco said before he pulled up the footage. "I digitally scrubbed a video. Last thing we want is somebody hearing something we don't want them to hear." He then pulled it up on the screens for everyone to see.

"Your Honor, I'm innocent. I didn't do this. I didn't kill anyone."

"Yeah, I mean, I don't remember saying any of that," Barry said, looking back at everyone.

"You don't?" Harry questioned and Barry shook his head no. "We should look at everything else he said when he first came out of the Speed Force. Might give us a clue."

"That's a good idea," Joe said.

"Okay, guys, but remember, I mean, considering all the evidence they have against me, this trial is not even gonna last very long," Barry told them.

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