and, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70

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At the West Household, Cecile was sitting at the dinning table when Iris walked in from the kitchen, holding two fresh cups of tea. "All right, coming in hot," she said, placing the cups down.

"Oh, hey, you didn't have to do all that," Cecile said.

"Listen, I did not inherit my dad's skills in the kitchen, but a decaf herbal tea, that I can do," Iris said, taking a seat across from Cecile.

"So, if it's okay with you, I just was wondering if I could talk to you about Joe," Cecile said.

"Um, yeah," Iris hesitantly said, "Of course it's okay."

But for a moment, Cecile stared at her, reading what Iris was thinking, "Oh, no, honey, it's-it's not about that," she said and Iris smiled relieved, "We have zero problems in that department," she then pointed at her belly, "As you can tell."

And Iris's smile dropped, purely disgusted now. "Okay," she awkwardly said, "TMI, but okay."

"I really thought being able to read his mind would make our relationship stronger, not push us apart," Cecile said.

"Well, how does my dad feel about your new powers?" Iris asked.

"He thinks it's gonna take a little getting used to," Cecile said.

"Yeah, but how does he feel?" Iris asked but Cecile seemed confused, "Look, we all know that my dad thinks that he's this cool, grounded man of mystery, but we all know that he's actually just-"

"A big softie," Cecile said with a smile.

"A big softie," Iris agreed, "But if you really want to get closer to my dad, you need to stop focusing on what he's thinking and find out what he's feeling."


In Cisco's Workshop, Caitlin and Harry were staring at a board of equations, thinking to themselves. "Maybe we could use a biochemical treatment and target the pituitary glands? Flood them with human growth hormones?" Caitlin asked.

"No, that will just accelerate their d— it'll make things worse," Harry said.


"What?" Harry asked.


"Yeah?" Harry asked.


"What?!" Harry slammed his hands against the table where the LEGO set was, which caused Ralph, Cisco and Mon-El to tumble around like it was an earthquake.

"Little Ralphie needs to use little boys room," Ralph innocently said.

"Didn't you just go?" Cisco asked, who sat on the bench where Mon-El laid on.

"My bladder is literally the size of a hummingbird's right now," Ralph said before he looked at Caitlin, "Come on, Caitlin. Help a wee fellow take a wee-wee?"

"Can you-"

"Me?" Caitlin questioned.

"Well, I'm not touching him," Harry said. "Fine," Caitlin said before she looked at Ralph, "I'll take you there, but you have to find your own way out."

Caitlin then picked him up and walked out, leaving Harry alone with Cisco and Mon, who stared up at him and his concerned expressions.

"The embiggening bazooka made us unstable, didn't it?" Cisco asked, standing up from the bench. "Yeah- no. What? No! Wh-Why would you say that?" Harry asked.

"I can see it all over your face," Cisco said.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Your face is huge. I'm watching your emotions on IMAX," Cisco said.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now